SuJu is coming...but why am I not happy...

Mar 25, 2010 19:43 I should be? The crazy fangirl in me is screaming, but I'm sane enough not to do so. I'm amused, but not at the fact that SuJu is coming, 'cauz I cannot go to the concert anyway. In fact, I'm anticipating articles on the Net reporting how crazy Vietnamese fangirls are LOL. I guess I'll have to read at least 3 articles on it: the 1st about how fan attcking SJ at the airport; the 2nd about how surprised SJ is to see so many Viet fans; and the 3rd about how crazy fans are during the concert. And I'm pretty sure that I'm right on this. The fans here are already very crazy, moreover they've been desperate to see SJ for a very long time; and now when their wishes come true, they'll go wild LMAO. If I were at University, I'd definitely go, but, aish, poor me the highschool girl.
I cannot go to see the boys this time, but I wish I can in a near future *cross fingers*  Waiting for the 4th album...

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