Kyuhyun sat on his laptop, contemplating on whether to play starcraft, or check his mail.
Finally, he chose the second option, and opened his first email.
Kyuhyun was confused at the numerous question in the email, but as he scrolled to the bottom, he rad a message from a fan.
It said: Dear oppa, I made this survey for you to take. I thought it might help you wind Sungmin oppa. Hwaiting!
Kyuhyun chuckled and decided to reply with a short message: Thank you, I will use this.
Kyuhyun then proceeded to fill out the questions.
Who is your bias?
Lee Sungmin
...Have you looked at the guy?
What's your favorite song they sing?
I like every song he sings.
Would you marry them if you could?
I would marry him in a heartbeat.
Because he's fucking sexy...Why the hell would you ask someone WHY they would marry another???
What band is your bias in?
Super Junior.
What music video do they look hottest in?
He looks good in all videos. Even the ones he's not in. xD
Do you own merchandise with your bias on it?
Yes! How did you know?!
How many concerts did you go to to see your bias?
I have been to all his concerts. *laughs insanely*
Is your bias in your favorite band?
I like everyone in the band, except for Heechul hyung, if that's what you mean...
What is one thing about your bias you don't like?
He's too aegyo...He wins everything...
What is your favorite thing about you bias?
If I said that, you might have a heart attack, so I'll just pick the second best...His eyes.
Sum your bias in one word?
If your bias was in the room with you right now, what would you say to them?
“Sungmin hyung, please do your laundry. I can smell it from my side of the room.”
Wish your bias luck!
Hwaiting! Jaiyo! Sungmin hyung!! I love youuuu~
Kyuhyun smiled madly, as he posted the survey on facebook. Not even ten seconds later, he heard both Sungmin and Heechul yelling, “Cho Kyuhyun!” With a smirk on his face, he sang "Yeeeesss?"