iTunes Song Drabbles

Aug 07, 2010 11:54

Title: iTunes Fanfic Challenge drabbles (4/10)
Author: kyukiemonster
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Raiting: PG-13
Summary: Song / lyrics-based drabbles! :D
A/N: As usual, nothing belongs to the poor writer, just the fic :) And if you're not sure about the this iTunes fic challenge, the task is to to put your player on shuffle and write a tiny drabble about the first song that starts playing. It's also important to finish the drabble before the song ends too! So, my brain juice ran out of its supply by the time I finished four songs, so I'm posting these up first :3 First time posting too, so, do comment and make my day? ♥

He was tired from the strenous vocal traning session that day that when he got back to the small room that he shared with Sungmin he immediately plopped himself onto the freshly-washed sheets, ready to snooze away anytime. Kyuhyun slowly drifted into his own dreamland, a smile etched on his face as he dreamt of gaining countless of levels on Starcraft.

His body was gradually getting tangled in the sheets. Sungmin would kill him for messing up the sheets hours before bedtime, that silly neat freak. Faintly however, disrupting his toughts came a loud bang coming from somewhere near his left foot - and a pair of soft lips crashing without any breaks straight onto his.

And a few seconds of entangling messed up bedsheets later, every single bit of drag-Kyuhyun-out-of-bed-for-dinner had completely vanished from Sungmin’s mind.
First Kiss, FT Island

“Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, fantastic, ELASTIC!!!” came this excited, slighly bordering on the edge of crazy voice coming from the bathroom - where the supposedly subdued under normal circumstances roommate of his, Lee Sungmin was taking his bath.

Oh, come on, great mind of Cho Kyuhyun. It’s just the new SHINee single. You do NOT want to go any further than this.

Kyuhyun buried his flushed face into his pillow, in a desperate but failing attempt to control the sudden war declared with his raging hormones.
- Ring Ding Dong, SHINee


Night fell and as Sungmin returned to his dorm, he noticed the sleeping figure on the bed adjacent from his. The slightly syncopated breathing that only resulted because of forcing oneself to hold his tears back. The tear tracks that stained his cheek. Sungmin crept onto the same bed and wrapped his arms around the sleeping Kyuhyun, wordlessly trying to comfort him and rid all of his nightmares away.

No matter what happens; even when the skies fall down, I promise you I will never let you down.

But a whisper escapes Kyuhyun’s lips. Zhou Mi. Long, slender fingers snaked around his frame.
And Sungmin felt his heart die a little bit more inside.
- You and I, Park Bom


The spur of a moment. The reckless, unconscious things you do when you’re drunk. Two drunk roommates who had one soju bottle too many hailed a cab home, and never stopped kissing each other - lips full force on lips ever since.

As the rays of dawn glared their way through the blinds and onto Sungmin’s face, reality finally kicked in as he opened his eyes to find Kyuhyun’s form barely a millimetre away from his.

Two horrified screams, a fall off the tiny couch in the living room, eleven taunts (and counting), a cup of coffee and two aspirins later - Kyuhyun found himself smirking at the ashen-faced Sungmin, a satisfied smile playing on his lips.

Guess someone was love drunk last night.
- Love Drunk, Boys Like Girls

kyuhyun, fanfics, artist: super junior, sungmin

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