Title: Shebang
Pairing: Wonkyu
Rating: G
Summary: Day Four: Write a character's reaction to someone's love confession in one sentence.
Kyuhyun flushed almost instantly - this was way too embarrassing, (rose petals on the floor with a solo performance by Siwon, the whole shebang, in front of everybody), so he just...stomped off, trying to hide from everybody, especially Siwon, trying to ignore the flutter of his heart.
Title: Lifeline
Pairing: Henmin
Rating: PG
Summary: Henry feels unappreciated.
Day Five: Write a scene in eight sentences in which someone's going through his/her version of "It's a Wonderful Life."
Nobody wanted him around, or showed that he was wanted; the fans hated him, even if he tried his hardest. Henry thought over it so many times, which only drove him into depression, along with the suicidal thoughts. His eyes was glazed with possibly unshed tears as he brought the knife near his skin, but he never felt the sink of the blade. Why? Sungmin ran through the door, immediately tackling Henry down the floor, knocking the knife out of his hands. Sungmin instantly began ranting about how he’s in love with Henry for years, and that he’d be the most depressed human being and to think about his family, with tears streaming down his face. Henry was glad Sungmin stopped him, because, months and years later he was on their worn out couch, with Sungmin cuddling while watching a Disney movie, because they both loved it. And, they were very much in love.
Title: Kisses
Pairing: Eunhae
Rating: G
Summary: Day Eight: Write two characters' second kiss in two sentences
A/N: I didn't do drabbles for day 6 and 7 because...really they were rather ridiculous..
Donghae giggled into the kiss, completely oblivious to Eunhyuk, who was rather at shock and trying to force his cheeks back to its original shade, not bright pink. He blushed as well, when he felt Eunhyuk kissing back slightly, and Eunhyuk’s shaky hand reaching for his, then felt the little hint of sparks when their hand intertwined.