Sanji Blackleg
Age: 19 | Race: Human | Gender:
One Piece
"Stupid perverted idiot that I met somehow when I first got to this place. Uses the word 'Shitty' a lot, which isn't bad, but calls me 'Miss' far too often, which is annoying as hell. Dammit, does he ever think about anything other than women? Does he even have a brain? I can't stand idiots.
... Well, he's one of those 'my friends or nothing' kinda guy. I saw that look he gave me when I insulted his reindeer. He has a brain, he just needs to use it. ... And I really think I pissed him off, for some reason. I don't know. It's just... arg, I don't care. He can waste time all he wants."
>> He reminds her of a cross between Flynn and Raven. Not a pretty image.
>> Is that a curl on his eyebrow?
>> Doesn't think he's too bad, but his outward personality grates
>> Ugh, made a mistake. She's never going to admit it, though. :/
(1) (2)
Age: 32 | Race: Traitor Human | Gender:
Tales of Vesperia
Age: ??? | Race: Human | Gender:
Digital Devil Saga
"She's a sheltered kid that I talked to over the phone. Doesn't seem to know how to cook too well. Her innocence reminds me a little of Estelle, again. Why are there all of these innocent people in this place? I don't like it. Not one bit."
>> Needs more information
>> Doesn't even know her name
Age: ??? | Race: ??? | Gender:
Digital Devil Saga Franchise
"He thinks when it rains, babies fall out of the sky. People, whatever. I refuse to believe there's a world that weird out there. I mean, think of the child mortality rates...! The problem is, he seems like a decently intelligent sort of guy. In fact, he doesn't strike me as particularly crazy. As in, he actually believes in that stuff. ... I want to dissect him, really. I mean, who knows what kind of a weird anatomy a person that's born falling out of the sky will develop!"
>> Needs more info. Specifically his name.
>> And his heart rate. And his blood pressure.
>> Hell, she just wants to dissect him.
Age: Too old | Race: Country? | Gender:
Axis Powers Hetalia
"And interesting sort of guy. I'm actually surprised by how... human he seems. We talked a little, joked a little, and he gave me some preliminary information on countries. I think there's a lot of potential in it, and the scientists in his country must have been idiots not to have realized it. Still, though, I can imagine operating on him must be hard. It's always hard when the subject is so... human."
>> She's hoping for a 'Terca Lumireis'.
>> Has tons of questions
>> Wants to study his organs. I'm serious.
(1) (2) (3)
Sumimura Yoshimori
Age: 14 | Race: Human | Gender:
"He's kind of a weird kid I found by the barriers. Totally illogical and says the absolutely weirdest things sometime. And ghosts are right up this guy's alley, it seems. And he gave me such a weird nickname! His little figurine helper things aren't much better either. Still, though, his reactions are pretty amusing. I'll never get tired of watching him pulling out his hair. Heh. Not a bad kid. Just a weird one."
>> She's secretly terrified of the things that he does which she cannot see. But that's another story.
>> Doesn't know how to talk to him, because she's rarely met people her age
Interactions: (1)
Tony Tony Chopper
Age: 15 | Race: Deer ??? | Gender:
One Piece
"I'm not even sure what this one's supposed to be. Pretty sure he's male, but I could be wrong. Apparently a doctor, but I'm not letting him get anywhere near my wounds. He's like... a talking animal. He'd be an interesting specimen, but I think he has some pretty protective friends.
W-what? I-I'm not jealous of some animal. Don't even joke!"
>> She dislikes all animals (with the only exception being cats), so her attitude towards him is far from friendly
>> Wants to study him
>> Understands he has good friends
(1) Tables by
Belius @
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