This community is created for the support and love of the Super Junior pairing known as KyuChul or perhaps also HeeHyun. In other words Heechul x Kyuhyun.
I know this is considered a "rare pair" and I love it and I thought perhaps if there was a community others might be better able to find like minded fans.
Right now, membership is open and I'm not screening anything until I see how much traffic the community gets. I kinda think not that much at first but you never know how things will go.
The community is open to picspams, fic, lj icons, moodthemes and layouts and news.
However, please put picspams and longish posts under a cut. It is up to your discretion, for right now, to choose whether to lock posts to the community or not.
Er, guess that's it. I'm your friendly neighborhood mod/maintainer
addicterated If you need anything you can comment here or leave me a message.