(no subject)

Dec 30, 2011 19:06

I've been spending the past couple weeks on a break mostly. I had a wonderful Christmas with my family, and I'm happy for the new books from my sweetie, the new sewing machine and digital camera from the family. I'm spending the rest of this year with my sweetheart. We get to celebrate New Years together! YAY! X3

Since New Years eve is coming up, I want to look at my goals for last year and see how I did! XD

1.) Needlfelt more!

This was actually the most successful one! This year I've really kept myself growing and trying new things! I'm really glad that I've done a critter with spots and a critter with wings. Tiny, decorative wings, but at least I'm learning the basic shape.

2.) Be exposed to more story. (I.E, play more games, watch more anime, read more books)

This one was somewhat done. I can't think of any novels or anime series I finished this year, but I do have plenty to try. Netflix has been a great source of movies for me, and while I've mostly watched old MST3K episodes, I have been catching a few movies and shows, like the Korean drama Jumong (which I should finish at some point! XD) I have read a good amount of non-fiction this year though. My favorite by far was In the Land of Invented Languages. XD

I have been playing Sengoku Basara with friends and I have everything unlocked (well, except for some of the second branches of story modes) which is a big achievement for me. I also tried Magic the Gathering this year, and got my brother obsessed with it. This at least gives me a little more game experience to help design my own.

3.) Work on my RPG ideas

While nothing is anywhere NEAR playable yet, I have been pretty good about setting time aside to work on stuff, even during crazy times. I set a good pattern for myself in the latter half of the year by going to a coffee shop (mostly) weekly specifically to work on game ideas. I now have the basic structure of the world made out, the races pretty much defined, and some semblance of a magic system. I just need to figure out the full history and the game mechanics. And oh yeah… THE MAIN CONFLICT. XD Since this is an East Asian inspired fantasy world, I really devoted this year to diving into East Asian folklore and history for inspiration. It's paid off quite a bit, and hopefully I can develop something cohesive.


Guuuuuuuh… did not work out at all. I was planning to flesh out my other novel ideas, but other projects just took precedence. November was a crazy month with not only school stuff but also prep for grad school, so NaNoWriMo did not take off at all. However, while I don't have a novel, I do have a ton of notes with background info for the RPG fantasy world I'm designing. I don't think even those total 50K though. XD


Yep! Been there, done that. Also, after some frantic scrambling these past three months, I should finally have my personal statement done, meaning that I can FINALLY apply soon.

No new art updates, since I'm out of town and I'm going to be spending this weekend on break. I should start needlefelting again next month though hopefully. January will be busy with me scrambling to get all the materials necessary for grad school applications. That, and I FINALLY want to make my blanket with sleeves for myself! XD
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