More on Why I Want to Make an RPG

Apr 15, 2010 21:34

All right, I've been thinking about a comment I got, and it sounds like I didn't make a few things clear. XD But this good! This will help clarify what I'm trying to do. X3 ( Read more... )

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Thinking Thinky Thoughts. . . crion_dm459 April 19 2010, 02:10:31 UTC
So I started to dig a bit, and I never realized how many Medieval Fantasy RPGs I had until I had to begin to sort through them. . .

There was ONE game out of the entire Archive that caught my eye, and I had to dig to find it again. It is called Feng Shui, and while it is more focused on over-the-top Asian films, it does have some elements that you would at least consider when it comes to animals shifting into men. It would need a decent bit of work if you planned on doing anything useful with it, especially if you disagree with their limits on the animals, but at least it is something to start with.

Mechanically, it is somewhat similar to a variant of Fate with some elements of Shadowrun/L5R/7th Sea tossed in. Thematically, it is big on Asian themes with various time frames tossed in, and covers everything from Sorcerers to Werecreatures to Martial Artists to your average Joe.

Again, may not help much, but it is a place to look. If I hear anything else from my research or contacts (and I have a friend picking through his mind to see if I overlooked something; Said friend thinks the Dresden flavor of Fate would work better than most universals, btw), I'll get back to you.

Good luck!


Re: Thinking Thinky Thoughts. . . kyubikitsune April 19 2010, 07:29:17 UTC
I know right! This is why I have so many hopes for this idea, there are a surprisingly low amount of Asian-themed fantasy RPGs out there, and yet tons of medieval fantasy RPGs. (Not that I'm complaining at all, I love those too, it's just nice to have something different. X3)

Anyway, yes I've heard of Feng Shui as well, from of all places Chris Pounds Name Generation page. At first I kind of dismissed it, thinking that it was just some kind of chopsocky style RPG (the "me love you long time" kind of thing) but now you've made me a bit more interested in looking at it. Also, 7th Sea is yet another glaring absence in my RPG experiences. I've heard it's quite fun and interesting. XD

I did give the Fate system a cursory glance, and I will get to actually reading more about it tonight. I think I'll understand it more as I read through it.

Thank you SO much for all the research though! XD This has been SO helpful.


Re: Thinking Thinky Thoughts. . . crion_dm459 April 19 2010, 11:27:33 UTC
You are most welcome. I'm a librarian (sorta), after all, so it is rather wrong of me to NOT share information.

Feng Shui can come off as that "me love you long time" kind of thing, but from my cursory glance (just at character options and roll mechanic), it could be more than that. With enough modifications, I can see something as crazy as Twelve Kingdoms fitting into this, while still being able to do something like Kung Fu Hustle. I may have to look into it a bit more later just for the sake of comparison. . .

I know the feeling with medieval RPGs (apparently). I enjoy them as well, but when you start researching, you realize how many people were/are beating the dead horse. The sad part is, even mechanically they are often similar enough to not entirely warrant a whole new game, and when it is, thematically it is the same old thing. Sorry, I'll stop ranting now ^^;

I could ramble off a few more names of Universals that are out there, but as Feng Shui has something close to some of your ideas (even if they are going to have the cheesey Kung Fu effect on the side), I'd suggest hitting that first, and still consider looking at Fate for those other awesome story-driven elements.

Feel free to keep tossing ideas; I'll follow where I can and reply when able. For now, I need to get ready for work ^^;


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