Jul 29, 2009 23:53

Last week I went to my very first ever convention, which was San Diego Comic Con! I know this is kinda late, but I JUST got home last night from the con, and I'm still getting over a case of con crud that seems to be hanging on tighter than the glomping anime crowd at the top floor of the convention center. XD

And man, I had to pick a frickin' DOOZIE for my first ever convention. That con is GINORMUS! I bet the convention center itself has to be over half a mile long. There's so much to do, and so much to see! And I got to spend with my sweetheart and some very awesome people I roomed with in the hotel. I love you guys! <3 Even though I had some moments, the con was overall a good experience. Here's the breakdown of it all:

Tuesday: Met up with everyone at the hotel. We stayed at the Holiday Inn on First Avenue, and it's a nice hotel. The beds were comfy, the TV was great, but there was no microwave or refrigerator. We managed though, and I discovered that there was an actual Dick Blick's store in San Diego! OMG THAT PLACE IS AWESOME! <333333 So much good stuff there!

Wednesday: We all had four-day badges, so I got to see preview night. It was quite nice, the exhibit hall was opened up for all to see, and I got to experience it's hugeness for the first time. Also, I picked up the Tall Tails comic, which I had seen only in Furrlough before, and my books were signed by the author herself. WOW. X3

Thursday: The actual start of the con, and I finally put on my kitsune costume, with ears and tails and all. This day hit me like a ton of bricks! Not only was I catching the cold, but I wasn't used to so much walking. However, seeing the spectacle of the booths was worth it. The Square Enix booth made me drool, and playing Dissidia was fun. I bought WAY WAY WAAAAAY too much stuff on this day, so much that my bag was almost too heavy for me to carry home! XD But that because I couldn't resist all the deals! That, and there was all this stuff that I had only seen online before that was right in front of my face. My fave purchases were some Kyell Gold novels (the guys at Sofawolf are cool X3) the ENTIRE boxset of Twelve Kingdoms, and a Twelve Kingdoms shirt I had never seen before.

Friday: This was a bit better day for me, for I decided to chill a bit more and attend some panels. There was a How To on characterization that was pretty awesome, though I had JUST missed the Miyazaki panel that I learned about way too late. (NOOOOOOES XD) The State of the Animation Industry panel was cool too. The highlight of this day though was RIFFTRAX! I finally got to see a live Rifftrax by the MST3K guys! OH, and when all the people had lined up outside the room, Kevin Murphy (the guy who plays Tom Servo) and Bill Corbett (the guy who plays Crow) walked past us and high-fived us! I got to high five Kevin Murphy, that was AWESOME. X3 Anyway, they did a riff of a short construction safety film called Shake Hands with Danger that was HILARIOUS, and the audience got to pick the next film they riff on. The winner was Dragon Wars. XD After the Rifftrax, Stoney and Corey dragged me off to a Worst Cartoons Ever panel. GOD those were bad! But they were HILARIOUSLY bad. XD

Saturday: This was when I discovered the top floor at the con. Why didn't I find out about this before?! XD The top floor had rooms showing anime all day (I didn't watch any though) so here was where all the anime cosplayers gathered and hung out. I found other kitsune (YAAAAY! FINALLY, people who noticed my costume XD) and I got to hug people with Free Hugs signs. X3 Also, I went to a Gears of War panel with my sweetheart. It's funny, I never could've seen myself liking something like Gears of War, but the game's actually kinda cool, and the creators are really awesome people. X3 I like that the scriptwriter for the Gears of War movie is actually working /with/ the creators of the game, and it looks like they all really care about it. Who knows, this might be a GOOD videogame movie for once. XD

Sunday: The last day of the con. I was just starting to have fun and get used the pace of the convention, and now it's over. BUT, I got to meet Stephanie Pui Mun Law, one of my favorite artists. There was also a Wolfsisters booth with Goldenwolfs' stuff, and Sandra was there. X3 I got the most beautiful t-shirt EVER, and a cool bookmark. Also, I met Diane Stein, who is such a cool artist and a sweet person. X3 I did some Caramelldansen in costume on the top floor, and met more furries, YAY! It was kinda sad to say goodbye to the convention, but we were all getting tired and ready to go home.

Monday: This was the day for general silliness with Donut, Stoney, Brit and Corey. All we did was watch silly internet videos and laugh hysterically. I was subjected to the hilarious awfulness that is The Room, a truly bad movie with some very quotable lines. We also tried to buy the Beach Boys CD with Jason Schwartzman's help ( Reference to this: XD and tried to find the Jitni stop but failed. >.<

Tuesday: Time for our goodbyes. >.< I'm missing everyone already. But, the inside jokes will stay long after you all left. APPROVING CHIN! 8D))

All in all, it was a good experience for me. It took lots of getting used to, and I had moments where I felt like I was going to pass out from hunger and tiredness, but I made through it and had a good time.
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