Dec 16, 2007 18:49
Okay... I have needed to write something in here for a long, long time. Geez, it's been over a month! XD Well, that's mainly because I've been busy talking to my boyfriend with schoolwork. The week before last week was ESPECIALLY busy, with a paper, a linguistics project, and three quizzes. XP Then, last Monday all I had was a Japanese final, and THAT WAS IT. X3 My quarter is over! WOOT!
A couple grades have come in. I have a B+ in Japanese 4, which is about what I expected. Man, that was a hard class! I really need to review grammar over the winter break and bump up my efforts next quarter. I have an A in my Into to Phonetics class, which means that I did well on the project! YAY! Now, the only grade I'm waiting for is Japanese Literature. I'm hoping for an A, which is possible for that class, but a couple of my quizzes could put me in the B+ range.
So, now I'm at my /other/ home, hanging out with my parents. I've done quite a bit of fun stuff so far, such as catching up on Christmas shopping. I'm almost done! I just have a couple of difficult people left... XD
Yesterday I saw The Golden Compass, which was a great adaptation of one of my all-time favorite books. There were a couple of nitpicky beefs I have with it though. One, they took the controversy out of it, for the Church became the Magisterium, God became The Authority, and so on. Okay, they /were/ indeed called these things in the books, and I understand that they had to make things a little more acceptable to a wider audience. But still, the controversial aspect of these books was one of the things I loved so much about them. I loved how daring the author was to make a criticism of organized religion, and a valid one too. My other nitpick about the movie was that in the first half, Lyra didn't seem as creative and resourceful as she was in the book. The second half of the movie really made her character shine however, which redeemed it for me. Other than those things, I really liked the movie. I loved Iorek Byrnison and Lee Scorsby the most - the movie really did justice to them. And it was neat to actually see the daemons on screen too, Pantalaimon was awesome. XD
Anyway, I've had fun so far here at home. And then... (Warning major squee ahead) I GET TO SEE MY BOYFRIEND!!! XD Yep, Dec 28 I get to make the nearly 1,000 mile plane trip to see my sweetie. I wish my advent calendar went to the 28th, for as much as I love Christmas, that's the day I'm /really/ looking forward to. X3