Title: Kidnapped
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kyuhae
Characters: Kyuhyun, Donghae
kyubieber27Words: 718
A/N: Birthday Present for
cablackwood. Happy Birthday Jenn! xD
Donghae opened his eyes to an unfamiliar room, head aching and mind buzzing. The air was musty, almost old smelling and the room gave off the feeling of dust, reminding him of a basement. After coming to
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Don't worry, it'll come.....one day :P
Nah probably be up by Friday the latest
lol but i do have part of it written, honest. Here.
Kyuhyun was, to state in simpler terms, the head boss. He was in charge of Seoul’s finest mafia groups and anybody who was anybody, feared him. Anything that affiliated with the term ‘illegal’ more than likely was in the same sentence as ‘Kyuhyun’ or ‘the boss’. So, obviously telling him that his previous hair colour was better than the one present was a bad mistake. All Hyukjae could do was inwardly face palm while Kyuhyun took out his gun and shot the male. Four times to be exact. Hyukjae didn’t even flinch at the sight of the younger's body falling to the ground, only groaned mentally at the fact of dragging the idiotic male's body to be disposed of.
i swear i tried to finish it. Its exams and things getting in the way :/
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