Title: Paradice v.2
kawaiikameMain pairing(s): Akame
Side pairing(s): Yamapi/Kitagawa Keiko, Ryo/Ueto Aya
Genre: Romance, Humour, High school, Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: A nerd transfers to a school, known by its three big players. Not wanting any attention, Kazuya just simply wants to study through his high school years calmly and without any harm. Too bad you can’t always get what you want.
Chapter one - “The new Dork”
It was on everyone’s lips. There has been a rumour going on for weeks that a new student was being transferred to the school. Was it a girl, or a boy was still unknown, but the fact that a new student transferred in to the halls of Kirigaoka High School was confirmed two days ago and the arrival day, today.