A Big 'Ol Heaping Of Pain

Apr 29, 2009 10:21

I've found recently that I've been getting restless.

My mind has always needed to be active or I start getting listless, but recently it's becoming more pronounced.

I'll find that I'm sitting there doing absolutely nothing, mindlessly watching TV, or reading a book of some form or other, then suddenly get bitten by the urge to do something, and start pursuing it in a highly energised state.

In the past, this would have been dealt with by doing some uni/school work, or musing about a character for a game, or planning for an upcoming game

The problem at the moment though isn't that I haven't got anything to do, it's that the things I want to do are being hampered by something else.

So, I've come up with a solution that's worked well in the past:


Yes, I've got three campaign ideas kicking around at the moment that I could run, but I'd much prefer to play in a game.

Additionally, I'm wanting to game with people I haven't seen in ages, or preferably entirely new people.

I'm acheiving both those goals at the moment in a couple of games, but I find I still need more.

An ever expanding social circle is generally a good thing, and I want to keep the momentum going.

So, if your interested in joining a new game, or know of anyone else that is interested in joining or has space in an existing game, drop a comment below.

friends, vent, gaming, stuff, procrastination, time, looking forward to it, life, smile

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