Despite work being depressing once again, it's got nothing to do with the job itself or the people I work with directly.
It's got more to do with the crap rate of pay and the ongoing drudgery of dealing with recalcitrant suppleirs who refuse to acknowledge the simplest of inquiries, and Lord help you if you actually have a problem that needs urgent attention.
And yet I stay.
Not because I want to mind you. The new person starting is on the same money as me, and I've been working here for years.
No I stay because I'm too gutless to do anything drastic like walk out of a secure job and look for something better.
On a brighter note, I finally got a car. It may not be the newest, the safest, or the cheapest to run, but it's mine dagnabit!
It's a 2000 Commodore.
It's white, has airbags, seems to chew through fuel like it has a leak somewhere, yet doesn't anywhere, and needs some work done on it in very short order (YAY for the RAC inspection).
Still, it's mine, and it's given me back at least 2 hours a day.
I'm amazed at what a difference having a good nights sleep has made the last week.
Although I did start sleeping in rather badly earlier this week as I got a little too comfortable with sleeping through the alarm.
It's been especially good for driving up to Joondalup and Ridgewood, and it's likely to see a run down to Kwinana over Easter.
Has left me somewhat poorer now and into the future though. The insurance costs alone mean I'll have payed the vehicles value over again in a couple of years.
But, I'm mobile, and that's the important thing.
And I'm enjoying gaming a little more than I have been.
I even got my Call of Cuthulhu fix in thanks to a playtest of a SwanCon scenario, and learnt of another potential game, so yay for that!
I'm also playing in one fantastic game of Unhallowed Metropolis, running a Call of Cthulhu game, and playing in a BattleTech come MechWarrior 2nd Ed game that's been a little shaky, but is still chugging along.
To top it off, I'm also in a regular Friday night Iron Heroes game that is being run by an excellent GM (IMNSHO) that includes a fantastic and intriguing group of people. Plus, the setting is one of the GM's own creation, which I absolutely love, because it means exlporing an entirely new universe and having an effect on how it's shaped.
And I'm even looking at other games running outside in the real world, which is now viable, given the car is available to make it so much easier than it was before.
So in summary, life doesn't suck as much as it has in recent times.