The Sh'Lassen Question

May 07, 2010 10:52

Doing some more research for the upcoming Babylon 5 game, and got stuck on the Sh'Lassen's again.

The Sh'Lassen Triumvirate is briefly mentioned a couple of times through the course of the show. For example, the episode GROPOS mentions the planet Akdor and some current envents in the Sh'Lassen Triumvirate.

It's also briefly mentioned in some of the RPG supplements available, although a couple refer to it as the Sh'Lassen Royal Empire.

Some sources list them as being a seperate alien race, some as being human descended, and yet others as a mix of the two.

What I'm basically looking for is some more concrete or consolidated information.

Any help would be appreciated.

help, internet, movie, sorting, spoiler!, games, reading, gaming, procrastination, random thought, looking forward to it, babylon 5, television

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