For A Break, It's An Awful Lot Of Work

May 13, 2008 22:09

Well the last couple of weeks have been productive.

Type your cut contents here.
Having taken a break from gaming, regardless of teh initial reason, has given me back some significant time on the weekend to get stuff done.

In the last month, I've gotten more done in and around the house than I have in the past six, hell even twelve.

This means I might be able to do things like, oh I don't know, have people at the house? :)

Seriously, it's been a mockery not being able to have people around because it's either been to messy or to cramped from stuff.

With the actual arrangement of furniture, things like my filing cabinets can be accessed again, and stuff actually put in them.

The bookcase has been filled, and whilst there's still stuff left over, there's room to sort it.

Of course, it's been more than a one-person exercise, and I have two people doing a lot of the work, regardless of my insistance they don't.

Still I appreciate it, and one of them strangely even seems to enjoy it.

Anyway, it feels good to see a difference.

layout, sorting, gaming, stuff, procrastination, time, life, cleaning

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