Title: My best friend's ex-boyfriend
Author: kyu4ever
Pairing: KyuWook (main), EunHae, friendship! HaeWook, broken! KyuHae (Other couples will appear later)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Angst
Disclaimer: I own only my story
Summary: Just one summer and we became friends...
Chap 6:
The next morning RyeoWook was the first person woke up. It was just only 5AM and the sky still looked dark a bit. RyeoWook yawned as he made his way to the bath room, couldn’t help but looking at EunHyuk and DongHae when he passed their bed. The two boys were still sleeping peacefully and what caught RyeoWook’s eyes first was their hands. They were intertwined together. RyeoWook smiled at the sight, but then immediately he thought of KyuHyun. “Poor him” - he thought to himself before closing the door of the bathroom behind his back
Just when he stepped out of the bathroom and was about to change his clothes, suddenly RyeoWook felt like something was vibrating. He quickly went to his bed and found that it was his phone. It was KyuHyun’s message. RyeoWook hesitantly pressed open button while making his way to the balcony outside:
“From KyuHyun:
Sorry, but I’m not KyuHyun. I’m his cousin who talked to you few days later. He has told me that you’d tell DongHae about him. Have you told yet?”
Seriously what was that person thinking? RyeoWook bit his lower lip as he was typing the reply:
“From RyeoWook:
Yes I have”
“From KyuHyun:
What was his reaction? Please tell me okay?”
RyeoWook looked at the message and thought for a while. If that person was really KyuHyun’s cousin, and as KyuHyun had told him that they were really intimate then RyeoWook should tell him the truth. But what if that person was KyuHyun? He really didn’t want to break his heart by DongHae’s words. Even KyuHyun tried to act like he didn’t care anything but RyeoWook knew clearly that he cared. He’d be hurt
“From RyeoWook:
He doesn’t want to get together with KyuHyun again. DongHae said he couldn’t”
“From KyuHyun:
As I predicted… Okay maybe you are a bit surprised that I’m having KyuHyun’s phone right? He has just gone out for a walk and forgot to bring his phone along, so I took it and sent message to you”
“From RyeoWook:
Okay I understand”
“From KyuHyun:
I just want to say that if my dongsaeng asks you about DongHae, please try to answer gently and… what can I say now? Please be careful. His heart is really weak, as you know, seriously his disease hasn't recovered yet”
“Such a caring hyung he is” RyeoWook thought to himself
“From RyeoWook:
I know and I promise to be careful. Don’t worry”
“From KyuHyun:
Thank you very much”
Just three hours later and RyeoWook received message from KyuHyun while having breakfast with his classmates. He stole a glance at DongHae who was sitting beside him, talking happily to EunHyuk before opening his phone and read the message:
“From KyuHyun:
Hey have you told him?”
“From RyeoWook:
Yes I have”
“From KyuHyun:
So what did he say?”
“From RyeoWook:
He said he couldn’t”
“Better than telling him how much DongHae hates him and feels tired of him” RyeoWook mumbled to himself and tried to focus on his dish, but somehow he couldn’t eat anymore. Looking around RyeoWook could see that his friends were still busy with their own works and he didn’t want to disturb them, so secretly he stood up from his seat and made his way to the garden. It had been a while and KyuHyun hadn’t answered his message. RyeoWook felt nervous a bit but quickly he wiped the thought away. KyuHyun couldn’t be knocked down by the news, he believed that. Maybe he’d feel sad and disappointed, and RyeoWook couldn’t blame him on those feeling. They were just normal mental states of human, and KyuHyun must have them if he liked DongHae. And he really did. He loved DongHae
Inattentively RyeoWook looked at the restaurant and through the windows he could see DongHae smiling happily with EunHyuk. His eyes were shining and RyeoWook knew the reason of it. RyeoWook had never seen DongHae like that, and he knew EunHyuk was the only person who could bring happiness for his friend… Not RyeoWook cause he was just his best friend and neither KyuHyun, cause DongHae had never loved him… Somehow RyeoWook felt like he was a bad person who wanted to help somebody but failed. He wanted to help KyuHyun as he really had a good impression of that boy but if he did, he would hurt his best friend. He wanted to protect DongHae’s happiness but if he did, he would hurt KyuHyun…
“There must be another choice for me”
RyeoWook wanted to cry badly as he tilted his head up to look at the sky above. There must be another choice for him…
Or maybe, just maybe, after the trip KyuHyun would never connect to him anymore, as they met and talked to each other just because he wanted RyeoWook to help him with DongHae. But RyeoWook couldn’t do it then in KyuHyun wouldn’t take any advantage of him, like DongHae had said. RyeoWook didn’t want to think of KyuHyun in that way but what could he do when it was the truth? KyuHyun met him just because he thought that he could see DongHae again
They spent their trip in Jeju Island for two more days before coming back to Incheon. During those days RyeoWook didn’t talk to KyuHyun much, as he didn’t want to bother DongHae. Of course KyuHyun had been better a bit (RyeoWook really felt grateful for that) and he apologized RyeoWook for not replying his messages after knowing DongHae’s answer. He couldn’t believe it and felt hard to accept the truth. RyeoWook just tried to be calm and sympathetic to the other boy, though indeed he himself had never been at that circumstance before. Somehow they avoided talking to each other about the future, about their relationship. RyeoWook felt surprised very much when seeing that KyuHyun didn’t stop associating with him, but he decided not to ask anything. Just let it be
As the days they spent together, RyeoWook could see clearly that DongHae and EunHyuk had been intimate with each other more than before. They went everywhere together, of course with RyeoWook accompanied but sometimes he also made some excuses to leave them alone. They were happy, and RyeoWook was happy, too. Now his entire problem was just only KyuHyun. RyeoWook felt really guilty about not helping KyuHyun successfully, and just when he could do something for KyuHyun then maybe RyeoWook would feel relieved
“Remember my words okay?”
“Your… What?”
RyeoWook, who was lost in day-dreaming, suddenly was startled when hearing DongHae’s voice. His friend rolled eyes while looking at him and asked:
“Seriously what are you thinking?”
“Nothing, really”
“Okay if you don’t want then I won’t ask. I just want you to remember that you shouldn’t talk to Jo KyuHyun anymore”
“Uhm… Okay I remember…”
RyeoWook nodded while shifting his gaze to the scene outside window, avoiding looking at DongHae
They were on their way back to Incheon
One week later and everything came back to normal, as they used to be and should be. Though inattentively or not RyeoWook kept talking to KyuHyun and they soon became closer than before. Even KyuHyun hadn’t only called RyeoWook by “Wookie” but also found a nickname for the smaller boy
While RyeoWook was watching Discovery Channel on TV, feeling a bit tired as it was already midnight, his phone suddenly vribated. KyuHyun, again. RyeoWook sighed as he read message:
“From KyuHyun:
Hey what are you doing?”
“From RyeoWook:
Watching TV. And I think that you’ve gone to bed”
“From KyuHyun:
I can’t sleep. What are you watching?”
“From RyeoWook:
Discorevy Channel. There is a documentary film about animal”
“From KyuHyun:
You’re watching it??? Unbelievable! @.@”
“From RyeoWook:
What do you mean? 0.0”
“From KyuHyun:
I think that you’re watching some dramas”
“From RyeoWook:
Good idea, I’ll try”
“From KyuHyun:
Hey, can I call you now?”
RyeoWook looked around to ensure that his brothers were in their own rooms before replying:
“From RyeoWook:
Okay you can”
Just that and Kyuhyun called him. RyeoWook pressed the answer button while trying to keep his voice in a small volume. Again, the deep, warm voice of the other boy echoed on the line and somehow it comforted RyeoWook
“Yeah hi. What’s wrong?”
“I’m bored”
“Me too”
“Hey, I have just thought… You remind me of something… a kind of animals”
“What??? Hey you call me not just because of that right?”
“What if I say yes?” The other boy chuckled softly
“You’re so weird!”
“I know, and you’re weird too”
“Cause I’m weird, you’re weird, that’s why we are friends”
“Okay, but seriously when I think of you, I really think of an animal”
“What do you mean?”
“I just say what’s on my mind. Anyway… can you guess what that animal is?”
“I’m not going to guess anything”
“Come on, just for fun. It’s really cute and I know you’ll like it”
RyeoWook felt relaxed a bit while his fingers were playing with his own dark brown hair
“Turtle? My mom always says that I’m really slow, like turtles”
“Cat? My teacher always calls me like that whenever she sees me”
“So what?”
“I say you’re like a rabbit”
“Okay fine, at least you don’t say that I look like a monkey or dinosaur”
“How can I say that?” KyuHyun started laughing uncontrollably and somehow RyeoWook felt like his ears were burning up in embarrassment. He waited until KyuHyumn could stop his laughter and asked, trying to be angry:
“That’s not funny you know”
“Yeah, I know. Sorry. But really you’re like a rabbit”
Now RyeoWook could feel the heat on his face, but not only because of the embarrassment before. He mumbled something which only was heard by KyuHyun:
“Don’t know what to say now”
“Of course you can’t say anything right now”
KyuHyun stopped for a while before continuing:
“Okay, from now on you’ll be my silly rabbit, and I’ll be your smart fox”
“Don’t you see that rabbit and fox are always put together like that? If you say rabbit then immediately you’ll think of fox, and when you say fox then you’ll think of rabbit. Understand?”
“Where do you find that ridiculous logic???”
“Oh… I made it myself. Okay, good night my silly rabbit. I’ll talk to you later”
And with that KyuHyun hung up. RyeoWook looked speechlessly at his cell phone, feeling unbelievable in what KyuHyun had just said
A/n: If you feel a bit surprised at the appearance of KyuHyun’s cousin then you should read the third chapter again. I’ve mentioned about him once ^^ He really plays an important role in this story so please keep your eyes on him okay ^^
Maybe you’ll feel a bit surprised at my quick updates recently. I have five day break and it’s really a good time for me to write more, as I will be busy with my literature project in one month :| Of course I’ll try to update often, but now I still want to take advantage of my free time. Hope you don’t mind or feel tired of my story. Thank you ^^
Chapter 7 will be released in two days later ^^