So, instead of sleeping and working on my layout during the day time, like a normal person, I got caught up in working on getting my lj (finally) set up and renewing my paid account and making icons and ... yeah. Suddenly it's 6am and I'm actually a bit tired. *rolls eyes* Anyway, yes. I have, at long last, my Chigi!layout (
this was the original layout before I futzed with it) and my full 41 icons back again. I was about to change it and everything when the computer crashed, as Julie had transcribed the lyrics of "Leaning on the Lamp Post" for me and scanned the piccy from the New Generation's Chigi as Bill from "Me and My Girl" - she's an old school Tsuki fan, the adorable thing... <333. Next project is to go through and get rid of a ton of tags I've never really used and fix the ones I have so they're somewhat orderly. :/ But for now, I'm going to actually crash and get some sleep... shocking idea, yes?
ETA: My new baby!icons: