What I have been up to the past 30 days...

Mar 29, 2013 17:23

On March 2 I started a 30 day Bikram Yoga self-challenge.  The challenge was to do 30 (90 minute classes with temps between 105-107F & 50% humidity) yoga sessions in 30 days.

I missed a couple of days due to a ouchie (not yoga related), so this week-end I have to do 2 double sessions in order to finish my 30 by 03/31/13. This in addition to traveling to spend Easter with my parents, siblings and the various nieces and nephew.

The silver lining? I can’t tell you how good this makes me feel - mentally and physically.

I have been doing Bikram for about a year three or four days a week, but the 30 day stretch has made a difference in my strength, stamina and flexibility.  I haven’t felt this good in ages.

In a way I almost hate to see it end, but I know I can’t keep this pace up much longer and I haven’t had much of a life except for work and yoga for the past 30 days.  My husband is more than ready for it to end (hee).

So I just wanted to take this opportunity to toot on my horn even if only to myself.

Yoga on.

yoga, real life, ramblings and musings

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