Jun 07, 2011 01:53
Did I mention in my other life I was a librarian?
I think I spent a lot of time there organizing books whenever I felt bored... volunteered in all my school libraries, I liked organizing them and reading the titles, sometimes just flipping through. I love the smell of libraries.
Today, I ran through like a wild child released into the forest once more (not literally running, of course, there's no running in libraries) and picked up a bunch of books, I'm already half way through my first one. :)
I was quite glad to find a book on French Literature of the Romantic period. It's written in French and the official title is "Histories de Literature Francais" = Stories of French Literature. Apparently my year in Moldova has really worked my foreign language skills and I was delighted to be able to just pick up and simply start reading it. It was on the withdraw rack so I bought it for 50 cents.
I picked up some fiction, nonfiction, guilty pleasures...
I stopped by Walmart next which resulted in the following letter, submitted to Walmart (Hopefully, they'll do something about this.)
Dear Sirs,
I stopped by the Charlotte Walmart store today #1452 in order to purchase some items for a simple craft project. While I was in the shopping center, I passed by an employee who was in the process of washing some gardening dirt off the sidewalk near the garden center. I proceeded to do my other errands in the shopping center and returned to your store to get my items approximately 20 minutes later and he moved maybe a yard from where he was still spraying water onto the sidewalk. It’s not that I mind the process of washing dirt off the sidewalk as much as I would like to point out the blatant inefficiency of your process. In North Carolina, we have had water problems in the past few years, to the point where we had some rationing in the summer time because of water supply issues. The employee utilized a round nozzle garden hose that added only a slight pressure to the water spraying and did not have sufficient water pressure to truly move any real significant dirt in a good amount of time. He was very thorough and the side walk was very clean when he was done, but you can understand that if the head of the hose was switched to a flat linear head with higher pressure, he could’ve gotten more of the job done with less water and less time. I am writing this letter because I feel that it is everyone’s job in North Carolina, especially during the summer, to conserve water. I know you guys care about having a green image and it would not only help Carolinians for you to conserve the water that you use in daily operation, but it would save you money to get a better and more efficient cleaning system for your sidewalks than simply having someone stand there and let all that crystal clear water flow down the drain that you don’t need.
Yizhen Su
After that, I went to see Xmen first class. Some of the cameos were great, I enjoyed the movie. I'm looking forward to this summer's movies and shows, looks like it'll be a fun/exciting summer for Hollywood. :)
Then I went home, had dinner, fell asleep reading my book but guess what, now I got more than enough mental fuel to keep me reading for the night.