(no subject)

Nov 16, 2008 22:06

Alun and I went down to see my folks this weekend. Was nice to get away. On Saturday, Alun and my dad went to the pub to watch rugby and get drunk while me and my mum went kitten shopping, grandma visiting and garden centre browsing.

There's a little animal rescue centre not far from the parents' house, and mum was looking to replace the cat they lost recently... poor Truffle has been missing for about 8 weeks and Gizmo seems to be a bit spaced and not sure what to do with himself. He's never really been a lone cat. Anyway, we picked out this gorgeous 5 month old tabby/white girl called Honey (for the time being), and she is adorable.

There was another kitten at the centre. We kinda went home with him. Little dear was very good and slept all the way up from the Borders in the car.


3-4 months old. Very sweet. Seems to be getting on well with Kozik, not being a nuisance... yet ;)

He is nameless. The centre called him Spicy, but we're not fond of it. Our current shortlist is Zombie, Looshkin and Ratchet. I quite like Barley. Not sure if any of those names will stick.

Say hello to our new kittun!
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