(no subject)

Jul 20, 2008 21:46

Alun's just come home from the supermarket with a tin of bacon grill. It's not the most appetising (looking) food in the world (it comes in a rectangular tin. like spam. with a key.) It has inspired me to ask: what utterly strange (to normal people) food did you used to eat as a child that you continue to buy?

I have to say, if I hadn't been exposed to the tastiness of bacon grill, I would never have bought it myself. So yeah, the kind of food no normal person browsing the supermarket aisles would pick up and go "ooh, that sounds nice..."

I'm not sure if mine counts. A concoction that I used to eat all the time was always barbecue beef super noodles with chunks of peperami thrown in. I've been cooking it the same way for years, and despite microwave power ratings going up (and therefore cooking times going down), it's always been 7 minutes in the mike, chuck in the peperami, 3 more minutes. These days it cremates the meat chunks and makes the noodles congeal into some kind of cake. I particularly like the crunchy bits round the edge of the jug. Always a perspex jug these days, I used to use a plastic jug at home and my mum got annoyed that it never got cleaned properly, cos the fat in the meat bubbles round the top of the 'cake' and I guess has melted away the jug somewhat.

It's my comfort food these days. I've become a bit healthier in my old age, so it's an occasional lunchtime weekend treat. But, oh god yum.
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