One night my sister (who is a Human Rogue pictured above on some PvE server) asked me to step in for her for Morogrim in SSC. Sure, I said. I hadn't played WoW in about a couple of months, why not. Then she added, "The hunter usually gets top DPS, I don't like him very much, if you can manage to out DPS him, it'd make my night."
Thus it became my goal.
This was new to me, usually when I dips'd I had no problems with threat. But here, in this lovely February evening, with this guild only barely venturing into SSC, I was riding threat pretty precariously. I had a mission damnit. I used my usual dips cycle.
To make the long story short I did beat that hunter, after about a couple of wipes.
Going to sit down back at my PC, I thought to myself, I really miss playing WoW.
Enter Bebopaloo.
Bebop was someone I have seen around the forums I frequent since the butt-crack of dawn. I got asked once "How did you and him start talking?" to which this day I don't have a solid answer for. It just kinda happened. Anyway we were having an intellectual discussion over peanut butter crunch when I mentioned I wanted to go back to WoW:
Bebopaloo: wut class should i lvl irl
Bebopaloo: think of one for me to lvl
Bebopaloo: in the mean time i play smash
Bebopaloo: RITE NOW
Kytele: drood
Bebopaloo: brb tho
Kytele: i have no wow acct
Kytele: ok
Kytele: if you're willing to level with me u gotta play on detherox
Bebopaloo: I am
Bebopaloo: but idk wut i wan lvl lol :-(
Kytele: CHANGE OF PLAN *note: lily intervention here*
Bebopaloo: wat
Kytele: Kel'thuzad
Bebopaloo: o
Bebopaloo: well lemme finish dling it first lol1
Bebop's willingness sealed the deal for me. After a night of downloading we made our characters and began our long(ish) journey to level and be complete pros in the process.
So thus began our leveling. We decided to XP in Silvermoon since we both knew the area pretty well and the trainers for our classes were in the city. It wouldn't have been as easy if say, we leveled a shaman in the Ghostlands. You'd have to fly to Orgrimmar each time. I hope they will put a Shaman trainer in the Eastern Kingdom sometime.
womg her skin is so clear
So I decided to roll rogue again this time around. Why do I love this class so much? I think it's because it's the only class I feel like I truly understand. I also think that's because it's the only class I ever leveled to 70. Sure I had a hunter at 68 but really, I never ever truly got familiar with it. It was always mark, attack, shot rotation, pet tanks, mob dies. Rinse, repeat. I would get rolled in PvP, because I had to fight the urge to go into Rogue mode and by that time I was half dead.
So off we went, into the Ghostlands, doing every quest we could get our grubby paws on. The reason we made our characters on Kel'Thuzad was due to the influence of
itslily and
bigzeroth. They're great really, and offered me and Heepum (Bebopaloo) a lot of help. So a big thank you from us to you!
the beginnings of being pro
So we've been going along at a rather fast pace. It was here when we began a tradition of sorts of somehow of going for Elite mobs a little past our level and taking epic killshots (lol).
So we got to about 18 and were ran by Lily through Wailing Caverns:
pritty dresses omg
it just loops around
Off we continued, into Stonetalon, then Ashenvale doing random quests along the way:
Probably one of my favorite quests.
Off through Blackfathom Depths:
A place I never bothered leveling through before was the Saltflats in 1000 Needles. Personally I liked it just for the amount of grinding we did for the leather I got.
i like this screenshot
So leveling in STV I thought was going to be a nightmare. It wasn't as bad as I remembered actually. I think it was because Bebop made it a lot of fun. He decided one night to waste an entire night of leveling spam flexing Alliance in the Nesingwary camp. What ensued was hilarious:
Eventually those two Alliance guys soon realized what Bebop was doing and entered into a duel. The loser was one-shot by Bebop and his trusty HAMMUR. Pretty soon they got an idea. They began calling their friends out to STV and casually enter a duel with them. Once whomever lost he'd immediately rez up and whack them and take a death. It was hilarious.
Very fun night.
funny bug
So off we went further, sailing past level 30's and 40's. And into the 50's we sailed into Tanaris and Un'Goro:
There's lots of screens and not a lot of banter, but I've been putting off this update for a long long time. The more I've put off the bigger it got and I finally decided to get around to it. I also didn't want to wait until after we've reached the outlands to update since I know that in itself will be huge as well. As of last night we're 56. I didn't want to tell people that I came back, I guess I just wanted to not answer the question of why and what happened to my last character, but I'll just say that because, and it's no longer mine.
I definitely am enjoying this a lot more this time around. Although I miss some of the things that I got pre-BC like my Blood Guard title, and the opening tabard from the portal event when TBC opened. But here's to a new and possibly better experience!