
Dec 02, 2006 19:59

What kind of fucking idiot overflows their kitchen sick, not once, but twice in one month!! The first time my ceiling leaked I ran upstairs to see what had happened. She "played" dumb and then said she over flowed her kitchen sink, didn't even say she was sorry for the trouble it caused us trying to clean up the mess. THIS time I knew what had happened becasue it was in the same place...but this time it didn't drip out of the ceiling, it fucking poured! The tiles were already weak and soggy becasue of last time so my entire kitchen floor was soaked!!! as was my cat and my load of clothes that I had left in the kitchen. She didn't even bother to come downstairs and see if it leaked or anything, the ceeling is ruined and i'm not paying for it. So if I die from mold all of you will know why :)

I've been really sick the past fwe days and have been mostly in bed wishing death would just come and stop tourtuing me. But today I feel a lot better and actually showered and left the house. I went to the mall for an hour and a half and was so sick of people when I left the mall... ugh I hate Christmas shopping. Well, no I love shopping for people and all that but I hate the crowds and the falseness that comes along with Christmas. How many people did I see today shopping that don't even like or know the people they are shopping for? I guess I just realized that i'm blessed, i love all the people I buy Christmas presents for, and know that if I could I would buy them present all the time and not just beause i'm "supposed to" at this time of year. It's hard though seeing things I want to buy for Nannie and knowing that she can't enjoy those things anymore. I might buy a nice ordinment and bring it to her grave in Black River when I go home on the 21st. God I can't wait to go home.

Chris comes home tomorrow and he really needs the break, I'm excited to see him, even if it won't be till I get home. But i'm hoping he'll come down and stay with me for a few days before Christmas, he hasn't seen our new place yet, I miss my big brother. Kris comes home next sunday and I am sooooo excited. Even though he was home only 3 weeks ago, it feels like he has never even been home at all since he left the first time. I'm very lonely. He got us a hotel in Moncton!! a king size bed and a 2 person jaccauzi tub.. yehaw... too bad I have an exam the next day and need to study a lot in the hotel, but hey, study breaks will have never been so fun!!!

The Wal-Mart Christmas party is tomorrow and i'm excited to go. Yes, I know I don't work there anymore but I've been invited and I miss most of those people! wheeee! I can't wait to see all the crew that I havn't seen a lot since I left. Yipee

Well I have a plastic Shoppers bag on my head with dye under it, so I should go and check the color! I'm going darker! Wish me luck!
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