Yesterday was the best ever! *____*
I met one of my best friends and was so happy!
She's such a cute person and I love her so much thanks god that her friend didn't find her home to pick her up for her friend's birthday! XDDDDDD
So I had the chance to meet her again! XDDD
I also met my bandmates and friends of them it was so much fun because we saw each other again since our practice room was water from the storm some weeks ago...
The weather was not the best but it didn't rain much so it was okay only a bit cold! XD
When we found a place to sit down and wait until the fireworks begin a friend and I got our covers out of my car and cuddle under the covers. I also met a friend who cuddles all the time with me and I never wanted it to end! T^T
The firework was so beautiful! Just like last year! I had so much fun and my dream came true because I watched fireworks with someone and cuddles with him!^-^
It was the best day of this year and I don't regret going there and wait that long for the fireworks! I love you all my beloved friends!!!! *huggles*
Now playing: SID - 青