That Theater Thing

Feb 19, 2009 12:24

Sooooooo auditions are coming up! YAY! I just got my audition slot for Urinetown, which I MUST BE IN! It's at the Seacoast Rep, and they are all cliquey and bastardy, but I don't care! I'm auditioning anyway. And then theres the Park auditions, for Grease. Boo. I wish they weren't so much earlier than the other ones... I don't really want to do Grease, I want to do Edwin Drood. But the Park is the one theater I have a really good shot at, considering it's the same director as the last two summers. So, if I get a good part I'll take it, if I get a small part I'll tell him I have to wait to accept it. YAY URINETOWN


1) What was the first play you ever did? What role or job?
It was Alice in Wonderland. I was the mouse who swam in Alice's tears. I did it in LA at the Young Actors Workout when I was four, and Alice went on to be in The Adams Family (and the Girl Scout) and later to be on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

2) What was your most recent show? What job/role?
I'm currently the Teen Angel in Grease. That opens MArch 19th.

3) What was your favorite show/role?
Probably Lucy in Jekyl & Hyde. She has the most amazing songs, and the show itself was wonderful! But the BEST show I've ever been in was Nunsense this past Fall. It was the most incredibly talented cast I've ever gotten to work with. And I got to sing crazt gospel style :D

4) What was your most challenging show/role?
Annie Sullivan in The Miracle Worker. I took the part over one week before opening. WHEW! It was so dream-like, putting a character like her together in one week, and memorizing her pages and pages and pages of monologues... Most of her stuff was with Helen, who doesn't talk.

5) What is the most bizarre show or role you've ever done?
Mrs. Gross in The Memorandum. That play is WEIRD!

6) Has anyone ever written a show for you?
I'm not sure.... Kevin once said that he wrote his one woman show about Emma Goodman specifically with me in mind... Does that count?

7) Have you ever quit a show to accept a better one?
No. I don't think that's professional. Though right now I wouldn't mind...

8) Have you ever completely blown character on stage?
Never! Oh the horror!

9) What show(s) are you just dying to do?
I NEEEED to be Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar. I WILL play Jamie in The Last Five Years (actually, it looks like I may get to do it next fall) I MUST be a Doo-Wop girl in Little Shop, and I would LOVE to play The Lady of the Lake in Spamalot.

10) Have you ever done one of your "dream" shows?
Jekyl & Hyde was a dream show. Mama in Chicago was as well.

11) Who was your favorite director?
Kathy Fink. I love every bit of her.

12) Who was your least favorite director?
KATE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! *Elizabeth understands*

13) What is the most surprising role you have ever been offered?
Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast. I was sure I had blown the audition since my voice was gone.

14) Have you ever injured yourself onstage or offstage?
I've fallen off five different stages and one ladder, but surprisingly never hurt myself.

15) What show(s) have you done multiple times?
I've done A Christmas Carol SEVEN TIMES and Hair twice.

16) Have you ever had an onstage kiss?
Lots and lots and lots and lots. I've even given an onstage blow-job and had an onstage make-out session.

17) What was your scariest moment in a show?
When I fell into the orchestra pit in Once Upon a Mattress.

18) What is your best show memory?
Opening night of HAIR. Simply because I was so sure it was never going to happen.

19) What is your worst show memory?
Opening night of Passion. I need not say any more.

20) What is your saddest show memory?
Closing night of Chicago, because it was the last time I would ever do a show at my highschool. All the seniors were in tears.

21) Do you have any theatrical superstitions?
I say Break a Leg instead of Good Luck.
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