It's been.... Quite a weekend

Jul 21, 2008 14:03

Friday we had Tornado warnings. Honest to God tornado warnings? Thunder, lightning, toential rain, and tornado warnings. Was my outdoor show canceled? Of course not. We waited almost an hour, it stopped raining (even though everything was soaked) and then we went on. Then it started to rain again. I didn't even set foot on stage before they finally let us leave.

But it gets better.

Saturday was our first and last matinee. It was about 95 out. My costume has 1 1/2 inches of padding in it. Needless to say when we left thte stage after curtain call serveral people collapsed. It was crazy, about eight of us were down somehow. I don't really remember it clearly.

I remember not being able to walk a straight line and Tobin helping me get off stage. Then I sat in a chair for about half an hour. Someone had ice on my neck. When they reminded me I drank. When anyone asked I said I was fine. Around me people were being put on tables and doused in water. But they seemed to get better. But I couldn't focus on anything. Aparently I sat in one place and didn't even move my fingers for fifteen minutes. After about 45 mins there were two people still out on tables. I hadn't moved. Someone came over to me and asked if I needed to lay down. I said I didn't. They tried to stand me up and I fell over.

Next thing I know I'm on a table with my shirt off and someone is pouring water on me. Then the ambulence gets here. I was really out of it, couldn't gather my thoughts. They ended up taking me and Megan to the hodpital. All I could tell the EMT was that I had no health insureance and they needed to kick me off the ambulence. He'd ask em my name, I'd tell him I had no health insurance. he asked how old I was, I told him that the hospital wouldn't let me in, because I had no health insurance.

I came back to myself when the put the IV in. By this point I also really REALLY had to pee. They said this was a good sign.

Megan and her mom ended up right next door, which was nice. They gave me two litres of fluids and took a lot of blood and stuff. I had a hard time calming down. I hate hospitals.

But after about three hours Megan was done with her litre and she and her mom came to sit with me till I finished my second one off. They finally let me leave.

Now I have to see if I can get workmans comp to pay for all this.

Yesterday it rained again. They canceled the show at 6:45. We were all grateful.

And I'm not allowed to go back to work for three days.

But tonight I have Nunsense auditions, and Wednesday is New York! I just need to book myself a room in a hostle and I'm all set! YAY! 
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