My first picspam. New Earth with a fangirl lens.

Mar 22, 2009 01:34

With my compulsion to watch Series 2 of Doctor Who again recently, I also felt even more strongly compelled to make some eyecandy picspam. I'm starting with New Earth and may do one for all of the episodes of Series 2... and possibly further, but I'll have to decide. There may be a slight theme to my images, but it's really subtle *cough*, yeah ( Read more... )

new earth, doctor who, fangirlism, picspam

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the_willows March 22 2009, 09:48:56 UTC
I fully endorse any and all Ten related picspams.:D

The ruffly hair after Rose/Cassandra kisses him is just adorable!

And I agree, damp!Ten should appear more often. Maybe he needs to visit a completely aquatic planet...


kyrina March 22 2009, 09:54:46 UTC
I'm glad you endorse my efforts :D I could get addicted to making these :D (I'm working on my first set of icons as well)

The ruffly hair is always cute.

Yes, one of the specials needs to be an aquatic special. Now how to convince them this is a brilliant idea using nothing but telepathy...


the_willows March 22 2009, 09:59:27 UTC
Now how to convince them this is a brilliant idea using nothing but telepathy...

*thinks very hard along with you*

*also agrees with your icon subject matter*


kyrina March 22 2009, 10:06:18 UTC
*tries to think as hard as she can without spraining her brain*

Why, thank you. That is one of my own icons. And that would be a fantastic Christmas. :D
*imagines herself harassing a mall Santa for such a thing*


the_willows March 22 2009, 10:16:40 UTC
*tries to keep up the telepathy without being distracted by thoughts of unwrapping nekkid Ten on Christmas Day*


kyrina March 22 2009, 10:30:37 UTC
*fails at keeping up the telepathy after other thoughts enter her minds* *entirely blames you* ;)


the_willows March 22 2009, 10:39:25 UTC
*is guilty* ;)

*points to icon*

Now imagine Nekkid!Ten making those faces...


kyrina March 22 2009, 10:43:31 UTC
You devious person! Those faces come with noises in my head. *waves a greeting to her eternally guttered brain*

I just get to hope for some fantastic dreams tonight.


the_willows March 22 2009, 10:53:28 UTC
*sends you some comfy cushions for your eternally guttered brain from her own eternally guttered brain*

Oh my, noises...

*is incoherent*


kyrina March 22 2009, 10:57:49 UTC
*images our brains sitting in the gutter and drinking frilly looking drinks while discussing the horribly filthy things that filthy brains come up with (while lounging comfortably on cushions)*

Muahaha. Just remember this phrase: aural sex.


the_willows March 22 2009, 11:30:16 UTC
*has more drinks sent down to our brains. And some snacks*

Aural sex, eh?

*loses all ability to function*


kyrina March 22 2009, 11:33:21 UTC
Aural sex causes braingasms by being pleasant to the ears.

... )


the_willows March 22 2009, 11:47:05 UTC

*brain melts*

*still stares*

He's wearing too many clothes in that picture.

*mentally undresses him*


kyrina March 22 2009, 11:52:49 UTC
*brain still firmly in gutter, melting like an ice cream sundae in the sun*

Remember, half the fun is the unwrapping.... well not half, but it's part of the fun. Starting off naked takes something away.

*mentally drifts off to her happy fantasy world*


the_willows March 22 2009, 11:58:23 UTC
*passes you a mop for melty brain*

I am in 100% agreement with the sentiments of your icon.

*goes off to finishing mentally unwrapping Ten more purposefully*


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