A little more basic than some of my previous picspam parts, but here it is.
I feel so bad because I lose track of these and take too long. With that in mind, I won't explain but I will say that I have some adorable bright eyed pictures in this part, and I'm hoping that will make up for it!
If that doesn't work, I'm not above doing a little dance (or making Plushie Ten do one)
"Do you see these eyebrow powers?"
"Now really, do you really think this crap will work on me?"
"I have no words for that nonsense,"
Enter not very subtle yawn here.
"And today shall be a brand new day. A day during which you recognise my hot powers."
"Unnamed NPC, why are you still speaking? You displease me."
"I seem to be spending a lot of time looking slightly irritated. Maybe I need a snack."
"This is my second time in Pompeii but I think people have become even more strange."
"Behold, I command fire."
the Doctor is hypnotised by proto-television.
"I was watching the shiny box. Is this important?"
"So bright that it hurts my eyes."
"Wait, did you just proposition me?"
"I'll think about that for a moment."
"Of course I'd fit down there, but it doesn't mean I ever will. That would be strange."
"You just keep giving me that look. Like a rabid fangirl but far less sexy."
"Now back to ignoring you and look at the glowing light."
"Could you stop… staring at me?"
"This isn't a spa?"
"I seriously lost track of what was going on here."
"Oookay… crazy guy"
And so I'll stop there because he puts on his specs after that and that's unique enough to get a picspam all by itself. I solemnly promise to try to get back onto a schedule.