Harmonia [Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - fem!Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton]

Feb 25, 2016 20:49

Title: Harmonia
Fandom: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure
Characters: fem!Dio Brando, Erina Pendleton
Rating: NSFW
Wordcount: 3530
Warnings: femslash, more immoral shenaningangs
1. this is becoming too real of a thing, guys.
3. written for COWT 6's second week, COD mission "forbidden relationship+femme fatale"
4. yes, this ws written for the anniversary of Jonathan's and Erina's MARRIAGE. People drew cute marriage pics. I wrote this. Is there any salvation for me? I don't think so

Enjoy! (you sinners)

Erina Joestar, née Pendleton, found herself to be the luckiest woman in the world. She thanked God everyday for the merry opportunity of being allowed by her parents to marry the man she loved, and not some stranger she would find despicable, and how it led to meet the gentlest and most honourable man, Jonathan Joestar, with a soul so pure and nothing wrong to hide. One could feel his nobility beam like warm sunrays from his smiles and feel oneself enlightened by his humility, he could truly inspire people for the better. She couldn’t have helped but to fall in love with him, and she felt herself surrounded by joyful choirs the day he proposed to take her hand in marriage.
Their life was the life of any other Victorian young household. They haven’t got any children yet, mostly because none of them was keen on trying for one everything, they preferred to keep their night duties for times when they truly felt the desire burning in their hearts, and there were days when Jonathan didn’t feel like answering her shy approaches, but it could happen, he had so many obligations for his job and his role in society, it was to be expected that the burden would sometimes leave him overly tired. But she didn’t mind, she could wait until he would wish to love her completely.
However, there was something, or to be more precise someone, who came with Jonathan, and disrupted the equilibrium in her life. It was normal for women to have a relationship made of secrets shared to the point of an intimacy that men could never have and truly understand, but of course, that didn’t mean women could be intimate on a more physical and disrespecting level. Yet, her sister-in-law Diana always seemed on the verge of pushing her toward some path no one should know, let alone walk, but Erina convinced herself it was simply her imagination being too wild in front of such a gorgeous woman, she was simply misunderstanding her gestures of friendship, Diana didn’t mean anything else. After all, they have spent many mornings and evenings together, when their husbands were either at work or at some social event, giving themselves to vanity and Erina attempted a petty chatter.
«Why won’t you come to our reading afternoons? You like to read so much» she asked, one of those lazy mornings, the sun shining bright through the windows and warming the atmosphere. Diana was carefully combing Erina’s long hair, although not as long and pretty as Diana’s herself, and her slender fingers mindlessly unentwined the locks where the comb couldn’t pass through.
«I’d rather stay alone» she replied «than join tedious discussion about terribly written novels».
«They’re not terrible!» Erina protested «And we don’t just have tea and biscuits, last time we argued over how Sherlock could - ouch!».
«My bad» Diana chuckled. Erina didn’t like at all her mischievousness, but right after that trick, she felt a peculiar shiver, feeling Diana’s digits run on her neck. Erina rationalised it was just her imagination going wild, but the presence of Diana was unique, almost scary, and titillating like anything Erina knew. Diana could as well be her trusted friend, but she had an erotic charge that made even a modest woman like Erina wonder about nameless sins that she would rather forget.
«Well… anyway» Erina continued «what kinds of books would you rather read?».
«Ones that aren’t made with a matrix of poor quality, all the same to each other. I’d rather read about the highest virtues of man, and how deep he can fall in the abyss».
«That sounds like what I read».
«Oh, no, the novels you read are simply a mindless hobby. I’m talking about thoughtful poetry, philosophy essays...».
«I’m not that clever, sorry, I don’t know any of them».
«Would you like to read one, some time?».
Her tone was a mere invitation, but Erina couldn’t help but hear a soft whisper hidden among the phonemes, like a devil’s spell marked by her caress. Again, Diana was certainly a woman who inspired to commit sin, but she was her sister-in-law, and a friend. They even shared the morning toilette, from time to time, she had had so many moments to feast on her, but she clearly wasn’t that kind of woman, so hoped Erina.
«I agree, but» she warned «at the condition you’ll read the book we last discussed at the meeting».
She could feel Diana’s smirk by her little hum, and she answered «I will».

Erina felt her mind as in a creepy haze. She didn’t know how she should exactly react, or if she should realise that maybe she denied herself the obvious truth for the sake of stability. After all, weren’t all the signs right in front of her, as clear as the water of a spring creek, as the Polar Star pointing north? She shouldn’t have expected such a read, she thought, in a sense she always suspected Diana would read that kind of thing. How could either of them retain the usual composure, it was something beyond her comprehension.
Diana held a little smile, one that even in its simplicity leaked, now Erina was aware, her true nature. Although, wasn’t there the possibility that she wasn’t truly a woman of that kind, and simply wanted to shock her?
«What are your thoughts about the book I lent you?» she asked in the tone that best masked her uneasiness.
«I have to admit, Erina, it was an interesting read, but a bit over the top for my tastes» her tone was calm, yet her eyes expressed a restless curiosity. Erina didn’t want to answer for that.
«I don’t think so, the voyage was fascinating, if that’s what you didn’t like! You don’t see that so often».
«You’d be surprised how many novels I’ve read with a more interesting journey».
«It’s still interesting, for me!».
«Oh, I don’t doubt».
«And» Erina went on «could you tell me what are your thoughts on Mary Morstan?».
«About her? Do you want my honest thoughts about her?». Diana didn’t hold back for Erina’s reply, and simply explained «Such a waste of potential. She could be such an interesting character, but I feel like she’s only an excuse for a love story for Watson that will most likely go nowhere».
«How can you say that? Haven’t you seen how they’re made for each other?».
«I’ve only seen yet another lazy love story, pretty much like dear Jojo and yours».
Erina’s eyes were wide open in surprise. «What do you mean?» she questioned in a trembling voice.
«You’ve projected yourself onto Mary, and Jojo onto John Watson, haven’t you? You read your own love story as you read about theirs, even though they are so different, and yours not remotely adventurous. Am I not right, Erina?».
There was an intense flush of heat on the flustered one. «There is nothing wrong about that, isn’t it?».
«No, of course, but you see, I’d have rather read about Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes engage in a gross and indecent relationship, that would have been such a provocative idea».
«Oh dear God, how could you think such perversities?».
«Isn’t that obvious? Watson could as well be kissing Holmes’ dirty shoes, for how much he commends his analytical abilities».
Erina looked away rather upset. She couldn’t believe her sister-in-law was so frankly about her desire for gross indecency, and she couldn’t believe she realised her nature so late, and she loathed the way Diana mocked her honour as a woman of virtue. But more than ever, she hated her own heart and how it nonetheless admired her tantalising beauty, being drawn to her being like a bee to a predator flower’s nectar.
«But enough talk about “The Sign of the Four”» Diana murmured, her little smile turning into a wider smirk, her precious hand the perfect rest for her chin, and her voice once again drew Erina’s attention toward her «What can you tell me, about the book I gave you?».
Erina glanced at the small handbag where the object of a thousand doubts lay. «Do I have to be honest?» she asked.
«I’m expecting nothing less, from such a candid woman».
Erina nibbed the inside of her cheek, before answering, eyes lowered in shame «It’s lewd and tasteless».
«You wound me, you truly have found Baudelaire tasteless?».
«How could you read such a mess of indecency and not feel filthy and disgusted?».
«Oh, but I felt filthy and disgusted, that’s what thrills me the most».
How could someone ever think such a thing? Could not one understand it was wrong and vile, to let their mind wander among such ideas of decadence, of lust and drugs and even blasphemy? But she couldn’t admit that her curiosity was too strong, and the poetry had swallowed her in a night, agitating depths she wasn’t aware she hid inside her soul and that she would never be ready to admit the existence of.
Her inner turmoil was evident, and even more evident was the amusement of Diana in little chuckles. Erina finally opened her handbag and handed the little book to its owner, murmuring «Thank you, anyway».
«You’ve just said it was tasteless».
«I know what I’ve said that, but I feel I can… understand you better, now that I know what you like and read» she spoke as truthfully as she allowed herself to be, and she was surprised by her own realisation.
Diana’s smirk softened in surprise. «I’m glad you do» she spoke; Erina couldn’t help but feel a warm quiver.

Despite the new awareness about her sister-in-law, Erina still spent many mornings with her, letting her braid her hair and chat about the weather and whatnots as if nothing happened, although she couldn’t help but feel Diana’s fingers linger on her exposed skin in a way that now she could define only as erotic. She felt herself tainted by that woman who seeped sensuality from every gesture, every expression of her face, her simple presence was enough to attract everyone’s attention. Erina thought a fool of herself, denying how much Diana looked and acted like a vile demoness who enjoyed stealing husbands and the serenity of households.
Of course, she didn’t steal any man, and the only household that was in turmoil was Erina’s, and not because Diana was stealing Jonathan - that was probably the worst suspect Erina ever had, and she felt horrible for ever thinking that, after all how could brother and sister have a secret affair? Diana acted in her own way with almost everyone, even with her own brother, there was no way she would not only look and gesture like a fatal woman, but even be one herself. Erina was simply conditioned by that book Diana gave her, she concluded.
Her most imminent trouble that evening wasn’t, however, her sister-in-law’s behaviour, but her own breath becoming more and more painful. It wasn’t anything that could ruin her health, but it was a definite but dull complaint that grew and hurt her chest. She did her best not to show any sign of worry, it would be bothersome for everyone invited. Everyone around her was having fun, chatting, some men were drinking a glass of brandy, and she was instead sitting on a chair, hoping no one would notice her. She wasn’t already keen on big parties, she wasn’t a fanatic of such crowds, especially in her own house, but Jonathan insisted she would join him, and she obliged, but then her maid tugged her corset a tad too tight.
She didn’t notice the shadow of Diana looming over her, but her voice was genuinely worried as she inquired «Is something wrong, Erina?».
«No, don’t worry… I’ll just have to endure the night».
«Your paleness doesn’t look alright. Come with me».
Diana held her hand with the sweetness of a mother teaching her child to walk, a gentle touch that Erina found startling. Soon, they hid behind the doors of Jonathan’s and her bedroom, and she let a small gasp of relief when Diana managed to untie her corset and let her freely breath. She wasn’t even minding how her hands have partially undressed her and left her upper body with only the undershirt on. «Thank you» she whispered thankful.
Diana had no answer, not one with her voice at least. Her hands, on the contrary, were lightly brushing the fabric of Erina’s underdress, were the corset probably left sensitive and reddish marks on her skin.
At first, it was nothing much, just a gentle,maybe a bit intimate caress. But soon enough, a little gasp of surprise arose from Erina’s throat, as Diana’s fair hands brushed her small hips and her darkly painted lips rested a kiss on her neck. «What are you doing?» she asked turning and facing the other woman.
«Isn’t that obvious, Erina?» it was the reply that Diana gave her with a wicked smile «I’m seducing you».
«You… how could you?».
Her heart pumped quicker the blood in her veins, her body became a roser shade and a warmer temperature, with the harsh realisation of her wild imagination not being wild at all, nor being her imagination in the slightest.
«I’m shocked, you really haven’t caught all my signals?».
«What are you talking about?».
There was no need to an answer, Erina realised. She cursed herself for her own blindness and recklessness, thinking that she should have noticed, by the light brushes, the soft murmurs under the sun rays, the lewd rhymes, that she had welcomed someone who thought of herself as more than a close friend. Looking back, it was obvious.
Diana let out a hummed laughter «Why are you so scared, Erina?».
«It’s wrong! I’m married, my husband is your brother!».
«It doesn’t really matter, does it?».
«We… we’re two women. It’s indecent...».
Diana put a hand on her warm cheek, and smiled «It still doesn’t matter, does it? You’ve felt the same shiver as I did, haven’t you».
Erina’s eyes met Diana’s, and lost herself into those infernal abysses, like a poor soul allured by a lorelei’s beauty. She was more than naked in front of her, scanned more than a open book, there couldn’t exist any secrets between them. She could not hide anymore both her indignation and her curiosity toward that wonderful, frightening figure.
Their lips touched, Diana’s pressed on Erina’s, and the poor woman felt her chest turn into a liberating pool, as if the velvet touch of her mouth untied the moral restraints and let the unnamable flood into her being. Not, of course, all restraints were undone, she was doing what she could not to let her voice vacillate, and her arms were pressing her chest for protection from Diana’s praying hands, which however only lay behind her neck. Yet, despite her best, Erina couldn’t keep a little gasp, and the other prayed her mouth, until then only touched by the sweetest gentleman, with her warm tongue slither against her own, and eyes closed, Erina found herself closer than ever to another woman. The shame she felt when her lips longed for a longer kiss when it was broken was immense.
«Take off my clothes». Diana’s order was sudden, everything that Erina was fearing, but her hands seemed to move on their own, until she stumbled on the laces of the corset and realised she was doing it, with her consciousness. When she undid the buttons of her undershirt, Erina gazed at her perfect skin and curves, that reminder her of certain marble statues, and felt her breath to disappear in front of such wondrous beauty, unlike she, whose body while pretty was nowhere as marvelous. Yet, Diana smiled, like a devil perhaps would to a sinner, when she reciprocated and stared at her naked body, left a trail of gentle kisses all over her shoulders and the skin of her chest that the arms didn’t cover.
There was a corner of Erina’s mind that was fully aware of committing a crime, and urged her to push Diana away and confess everything to Jonathan, even if it meant to push him against his sister. That was the right thing to do, she knew. But every whisper over her flesh, the pressure of the other’s hands, there was something unfathomable that drove her closer to a path never considered before.
She shivered and held her breath when those hands full of expectation caressed her thighs, lingered on her stomach and cupped her bosom, and Diana licked a sensitive nipple, enveloped it between her lips and tongue and sucked, and pinched the other, lightly squeezing her little breasts, and their stomach pressed together, rubbed against each other. Erina’s mind was submerged in a fog made of both shame and desire, growing thicker by the second, and nonetheless she ached for more, her voice a mellow «Oh, Diana...» adding to her unexpected reactions.
Diana traced another trail of wet kisses along the navel, indulging on the soft space between it and the vulva. «Oh, Lord, stop!» Erina cried, in a sudden moment of fear.
«Something on your mind?». Erina couldn’t tell if that was a human voice, or the one of a succubus, if the fingers caressing her inner thighs were real or if she was living a beautiful nightmare.
«We can’t do this».
«And why’s that?».
«I don’t want to betray Jonathan».
«Then, why didn’t you stop me? You could have told me anytime, and I would have nevermore laid a finger on you. But you’re yearning this, don’t you?». A finger plunged between her swollen labia, just to leave her empty the moment after, and Erina’s only reaction was an annoyed gasp. Never in her life she imagined to find herself in a sapphic intercourse, but even more she would never think that once she found herself with a woman, she could itch for her to continue, despite everything moral and right she was taught. She was married, she was in love with her husband, yet why was it so hard to push away a lesbian, to be the faithful wife she had to be, and so easy to lose herself to her? Was she so weak? Or was her heart an unexpectedly more convoluted maze she had thought it to be?
Wet against wet, Diana put her head between Erina’s legs and licked her lustful liquor, her finger again sunk inside her to the knuckle, and another met it; it was a sweet torture like no other, one that made her wish for more of the same, a harsher rhythm her moans would follow, a wetter tongue whose thirst she wanted to quench. Erina thought of the rhymes she read thanks to the woman bringing her to an apex she didn’t know was possible, the heat they teased in her, the confusion they brought, and how that heat was now an unbearable passion, that confusion an immodest greed, making her fist the golden waterfall that was Diana’s hair to keep her as closest as possible.
«Oh dear Lord, Diana, oh dear!» her cries were nothing more than that, as her orgasm drew closer and closer, and lost her grip on anything but her own pleasure and what and who was the cause of it. What if someone would open the door and find them tangled in such a libertine way? What if Jonathan caught them? How could her face anything, while her lover - there was no other way to call her, wasn’t there? - lifted herself to embrace her, kiss her uncaring of her taste, and vulgarly imitated the way a man and a woman make love, with their vulvas stroking each other? Erina felt a white shock, cold yet hot, with her climax shaking the very grounds of her being for what felt like an eternity, so long that the other’s joined in a splendid harmony, and she had to grab Diana tight in fear of losing herself, feeling her legs almost melting, and her hands touching tight her wonderful bosom, her nails digging in her perfect flesh.
Their breath were shallow in the afterglow, their bodies had a thin sticky feeling and a heavy tiredness. Erina stared at the ceiling, again feeling the sense of guilt expanding in her like a snake dripping venom, but she also felt a peace of mind that one could wonder if it was really hers, not even she knew, but she felt it nonetheless. Diana lazily began to brush her hair with her fingers, like many times she did in a more friendly atmosphere, and left another tender kiss on her lips, but her wicked grin arose again, when she purred «I can’t wait for our next time, my dear. He won’t know a thing». Against all odds, Erina nodded and smiled, unable to deny herself that she had fallen in some sinful chasm because of that woman anymore, and to deny that she would have loved to stay some more, some time, until guilt would completely devour her as Diana had already devoured her.

( Link to AO3 )

one shot, jojo's bizarre adventure, nsfw, fanfiction

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