Laissez les bon temps roulez

Jun 11, 2008 12:52


I'm on VACATION in NEW ORLEANS!! It's very hot and humid, but fun and fascinating. Cameron/Radar and I just finished up a buggy ride of the French Quarter and St. Louis Cemetery #1. Now we're at a little internet cafe finalizing a haunted pub crawl tour for Saturday night. Spirits and spirits. Yay!!

I had absinthe last night on Rue Bourbon. It was rather tasty.

To Zinny and Kosmo (aka Rissa and Christie, I believe): I'm sorry I didn't get Lucie posted for before I left. I meant to, but then there were storms and tornado warnings at Cedar Point Monday which is a story unto itself and I didn't get a chance. I promise a post Sunday evening so patience please.... *puppy dog eyes*

OK, back to the vacay and some tasty Creole eating.

Au revoir!!
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