Have I mentioned that I <3 Reaper?
I bought Halloween decorations for the yard. This is the first time since Ligonier that I've lived in a house with a yard that I can decorate for the enjoyment of myself, the neighbors and Trick or Treaters....I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!
Not only for Hallowe'en but for Province this weekend. I have my costume all set, hee hee hee. I have room space with Becky G and Jackie S. I have candy in a cute basket for next Wednesday. The leaves are looking quite nice.
I revel in the glory of this time of year.
Phantom Fright Nights at Kennywood was AWESOME!! Three and a half hours wasn't nearly enough time I now realize. Riding a roller coaster is a TOTALLY different experience when you can't see what's happening. They were operating Phantom's Revenge without running or track lights. Its track is sort of a light purplish grey. I was also wearing my glasses so I stashed them in my purse and the purse in a bin before the ride started.
So greyish track + overcast night + no corrective lenses = me unable to distinguish between the track and the surroundings. It was like the train was running on thin air, and I had no idea where we were going. Wow.
The Panthers won against Univ of Cincinnati!! Holy crap, no one expected it. And this lady stole beer out of Miller and Rich's tailgating tub o' drinks (in addition to the dozen other cans of beer she managed to procure from other tailgaters). There's a cute picture of Cameron/Radar and I at the game, but I'll have to share that at a later date. Comcast guy comes tomorrow to straighten out internet and cable stuff.
I accidently burnt holes in a penny with vinegar and/or lemon juice. I was just trying to clean and brighten it. Instead there are pockmarks through the copper plating on the reverse side. You can see the zinc core. It's weird.
And how fun is this:
http://movies.aol.com/where-are-they-now/gooniesGoonies was so cheese and so good at the same time.
OK, back to making ghosties for the trees out front.