No More Heroes

Feb 09, 2008 23:04

Matt and I have been playing NMH most of the day and its so VERY very odd and wonderful. ^_^ Picture a random joe blow (I keep thinking of him as Joe even though his name is Travis) who collects anime and figurines (otaku!), living in a town called Santa Destroy, with a bank named Destroy Bank. :D Into which he physically plugs cash into an ATM. :D You save by going to the bathroom (the animation of which is just so hillarious btw). He talks like a cross between an engrish geek and random western boy. o_O;; And OMFG the rest of the killers are each odd and perfect in their own way...
We (switching back and forth controllers, though we both also have our own games) are only on #8 so far, and my only pet peeve about the game is that I wish they could've cut out all the mini-game style stuff and just gone pure running around killing shit... But its an incredibly fun game, and omfg so weird that it strikes every "I wish I had created this" chord in my body. ^____^ I want to BE Travis. I want to randomly become a hitman with the sole purpose of getting laid by some cute (~16 year old looking) cute long haired blond chick. ;)
Anyway, I highly recommend it (3 thumbs up!), especially if you have a weird sense of humor like me. :D

no more heroes, games

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