Final Fantasy

Jul 17, 2008 23:54

Nyzul tonight was annoying. We got a lot of shitty floors, and several deaths. And no drops yet again. :/ We even wiped to Cerberus with him at 4% one time. >.<;

On a completely different topic, though... taking an idea from corrderio, I decided to rate the FF series from my favorite to my least favorite. This will just be the main FF series, so no side stuff like Tactics or X-2 or the FF7 spinoffs.

#1: Final Fantasy XI
Obvious choice for first, considering I've never been so obssessed with any other game, ever. The storyline is awesome, the characters are awesome, the online-ness of it is awesome, and well, I could go on, but you get the point. Still, it almost feels wrong to include it on this list. It really shouldn't even be considered a part of the 'main' series as far as I'm concerned. Dunno why they had to call it 'Final Fantasy XI Online' instead of just 'Final Fantasy Online.' But whatever.

#2: Final Fantasy IV
Choosing my next favorite was hard. A couple different games each held their own merits for this position. In the end, FFIV won out, because I just love the story and characters of FFIV too much. Rydia is definitely my favorite FF character ever~ It really speaks for Square that one of the older games of the series ranks so high on my list! FF4 DS comes out next week... I can't wait! :D I hope a good ROM gets released quick too...

#3: Final Fantasy VII
Again, a hard to decide position. FFVII won here because, previous to FFXI, this was definitely the FF game I'd been obsessed the most with. So many wonderful memories of this game... And it was my first FF game, too! The characters and world and battle system were all awesome. A lot of people like to complain FFVII was really overrated, and I prolly have to agree there was a ridiculous amount of hype about it, but it was an awesome, awesome game, in my opinion. Just because something is ridiculously popular, doesn't make it any less cool. :P

#4: Final Fantasy VI
I almost feel ashamed putting this down so far. FFVI was an amazing game. Had a ton of characters, who all had their own unique personalities and backstories (well, aside from Gogo of course ;P) and were very easy to get attached to. The story was great, the music was great, the battle system was great... Very awesome game. And Kefka was quite a hateable yet hilarious villain.

#5: Final Fantasy VIII
Some might wonder why this one places so high on my list. The story was not that great, and many complained that the battle system made the game ridiculously easy. But what really makes this game stand out for me is the characters and the world, which I found to be quite awesome. Another thing was the immense detail they put into character expressions (body language and such). Such a thing was quite before its time for RPGs, most of which didn't pick up on this until the next generation systems. The music was especially beautiful in this game, too. And Triple Triad was fun. A hundred times better than that shitty Tetra Master game in FFIX that SE was so proud of...

#6: Final Fantasy XII
The latest in the series is a pretty fun game. The game mechanics were much like FFXI, which was interesting to see in an offline, console game. The graphics were amazing, as was the voice acting (which was a huuuuge improvement over FFX's voice acting). I like the characters in this one, too. The story was good, but was way too short. It felt like the majority of this game was sidequests, and that the actual main quest was very short.

#7: Final Fantasy IX
FFIX was a fun game. The world, characters, story, music... all good. It even pulled off the romance element (a very important element to me!) a lot better than FFVIII did, dispite it not being a main focus like it was in FFVIII. Really, the only complaint I could give about this game was the incredibly shitty card game, Tetra Master. Well, that and Necron, the final boss who came *completely* out of nowhere.

#8: Final Fantasy X
Again, pretty fun game, one worthy of a few replays. This one, though, had a few problems. For one, the two main characters were annoying as hell. Tidus was kinda annoying when he was cheery and hyperactive, but way more annoying when he was being all mopey and angsty. Yuna on the other hand, was just *always* mopey. And her voice actress did a horrible job with her... very few of her lines were done well. Thankfully, Yuna got better in FFX-2 and Kingdom Hearts II. That aside, the battle system was fun, the story was good, and the rest of the characters were fine (especially Rikku <3). The music was great, too.

#9: Final Fantasy III
I played the translated ROM of this forever ago, but lost my save state when I was about 3/4 of the way done with the game. I finally went through and beat it via FF3 DS on an emulator really recently. This was a fun game, and it introduced both the job system and summons to the FF series. The DS version was really nice, too, as it made the characters unique, rather than just a band of ambidextrous quadruplets with no personality. The story was pretty good for its time, too.

#10: Final Fantasy V
This wasn't really a bad game. The job system was pretty good, and the story was pretty decent. It's just... I dunno, for some reason I didn't really connect with the characters and the world in this one. It seemed like such a step backwards after FFIV, character-wise.

#11: Final Fantasy I
Again, this wasn't a bad game. It was the first of its kind, and for its time, it was an awesome game. The technology of the time just didn't allow this game to rank very high, is all. It was also pretty hard, from what I remember. Still, it did inspire 8-Bit Theater, quite possibly the greatest webcomic evar!

#12: Final Fantasy II
This is the only main series FF game I never actually beat. The story and characters weren't too bad, but the battle system just crippled this game. Rather than the traditional level up system, there was a skill up-like system, where you raised your stats based on action you took. To raise your HP and defense, you take damage, to raise your MP and magic, you cast spells, etc. While in theory it doesn't sound quite as bad, in practice it was horrible. Even with cheats, I just couldn't bring myself to play it all the way to completion. I did get fairly far though, I think.

nyzul, final fantasy, final fantasy xi

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