I promised myself I was going to write more this year. LJ, Marvin, fiction, poetry-- you name it.
What happened?
Marketing happened.
So, as it happens, I didn't lie. I wrote more--if you count marketing passes and written homeworks as writing, which, I suppose, are written works--, and I read more. (edited marketing papers, borrowed a library book, haha!)
Also, someone very important to me just recently told me, quite bluntly, that "there is no future for you in writing."
I don't know; after that, things became a lot more blurred. I'm not entirely sure if I can get back into focus.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm living in the right era.
I would have liked to belong in the earlier years (1950s?), back when things weren't so darn competitive and fast-paced, and all you needed as tools of the trade were a paper and a pen.
(Then again, I wouldn't have my beloved gadgets D:)
It also confuses me as to why some people can't understand that I do get tired too, especially doing what is supposedly expected of a girl, all the time. All. The. Time.
In order to offset this disgustingly emo entry, I am attaching a picture of a cute dog. :D Whee!
o.o where'd everyone go?