A Big Barrel of Crap crap crap

Apr 12, 2015 23:21

It's a crappy weekend.  (Yea, it could be worse.)

After getting taxes done and paying H&R block, we have $20 in the bank to live on for two weeks.  We will be getting refunds, but Heaven knows when that will happen.  Notice said it could be within 21 days - 3 weeks.  watch it come on day 19 or 20.

Yes, I have some money stashed, but I'm trying to save for RMFC and a couple other things.  I hate "borrowing" those funds, because they seems to never get paid back. We have enough food for awhile, probably all week with the leftovers.  But next week looks scary.  I was going to get a new fishing license, but now I don't have enough to do that.  (I figure fishing could help with the food issue.)  I have offered a piece of green foam for sale on facebook, but not takers yet.  I plan to put some jewelry up on facebook, as well, nudging with "Mother's Day is coming" as a sales point.  I'm not sure what else to do.  The only places that come to mind to take stuff to are thrift stores, used book stores, etc, but all I get there is credit for future purchases.  Al will probably pawn something again.  I don't have anything worth much to do that.  I don't know of any quick paying jobs, that I coud do.  Maybe I can return stuff to JoAnn's - not much, but more than $20 in the account.

So, in worrying about stuff, my stomach is knots, my back is spasming, I'm grinding my teeth, leading to headache.  My attitude is crabby, getting to bitch with stupid questions from folks.  I know we'll make it, I'm just not good at going through it.

And, I really miss my friends.  I see that folks have gone to the zoo, went to a movie, a bunch had dinner, they got together and crafted/sewed/whatever.  Le sigh.......
I'll start "Dinner At A Diner" up again after we get going again.  I hope folks will come.

Kind, cheering thoughts appreciated.  No stupid shit, okay?
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