A Day With Eric

Sep 01, 2009 17:34

  I spent yesterday with my brother Eric.  We hadn't done anything like that ever.  We went to breakfast at Davie's Diner, fishing at Fairplay Beach (he caught one small one, I caught nada), went 4-wheeling over Mosquito Pass and did a lot of talking, him especially.

While fishing at Fairplay Beach, just outside Fairplay. I tripped over a root and fell. " Oh, my foot is stuck.  WTF? Hello, ground!  Anything broke?  Ouch!  My right leg - damn stump.  Slowly try to get up....  Oooo, left wrist not happy.
Okay, standing up...  Right thigh - scraped but okay.  Body - okay.  Left wrist - really not happy.  I think I hit it on a rock. I don't think its broke, just bruised and strained.  Dammit.  Oh, look - Eric doesn't even know.  Typical.  I'll just man-up and deal."  Told Rick what happened. If it get worse let him know.

Then thru Fairpaly and up Mosquito Pass.  Very rocky and rough.  He said he saw on a webpage that it would be a 45-minute drive.  Not bloody likely!  It took more like 2 hours.  We had sandwiches and peaches at the summit, in the car because the wind was BLOWING constantly.  A bit chilly up there, too. Duh.  Down the other side to Leadville, down I-70 and home, tho I did try to lure him to Jenny's in Empire for pie.

Eric is a Democrat and very vocal about it. I'm  (I'm Libertarian.)  My impression of his 'beliefs" is that unless you're a democrat, you are wrong, stupid, follow lies/propaganda from the Republican camps and George W. Bush is responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with the country.  I tried to defend my beliefs, but to no avail.  So, most of the time while he was ranting (yes, ranting) about this. that and how wonderful Obama-shit is, I was like a wagging-head dashboard dog.

I'll go fishing with him again, eat out, whatever.  Just gonna avoid politics as best as possible.

My wrist is still pretty sore, and my whole arm and body aches.  I wore a wrist brace for a bit last night and it helped.  I think I'll put it back on for the evening.  I may even wear it to work tomorrow.  I'll go find some heat wraps tonite and try them (recommended by Anya).  Ibuprophen helps.  Activon - haven't decided yet if it helps.

Gotta get busy and make some more Steampunk jewelry for NDK.  Grace says she'll have room, and it should sell with Steampunk popular now.  Wish me luck with this endeavor!  And buy something, dammit!  B-)

fishing, brother, politics

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