May 26, 2007 15:46
Ugh... yesterday was awful... just fucking awful.
It didn't start out that way though. Went around in the morning going to the gym, running errands and going to the hospital for a check up. Pretty standard stuff. Went to Trinoma for lunch with Mels and was fairly disappointed with the lack of open stores in the damn mall. At least the company and the food was good. We spent the time looking at shoes and this cool shirt store where you can print letters. I ended up getting lost in Trinoma going back to Moro. Passed by econ and saw that nobody was around.
Chilled at a friend's house after Moro, then went off to SM North with my friends.
Shit happened.
Anyway, I ended up texting people, looking for someone to get drunk with in Katipunan. Turns out Ranna and a lot of econ people were drinking in Drews so I caught up with them in an attempt to get drunk. To keep things simple, I ended up spilling my story to some people and drinking heavily just to get over what happened.
God. Damn. It.
At least I got plastered enough to have a bit of fun. I couldn't manage to get down the stairs without help from Jared and Ces though. Ditto trying to get up to my room. I had to ask my cousin for help. Then I turned on my laptop and bugged random people on YM for the night.
Good luck to Ian! As you said, it was destiny. Hahaha, hope you're not too hung over with what I made you do.
Thanks for all my drinking buddies, especially to Ranna, who helped me out... Thanks to Paula too, who has ESP-like timing in texting me. Seriously, every time something happens, Paula sends a text out of the blue. Uncanny... I wonder if it has something to do with living in Los Banos? Anyway, she's good at this.