Title: Thanksgiving
kyrdwynRating: G
Pairing: None
Spoilers: Minor for 5.03 "Reckoner"
Blaze With the GloryAuthor's Notes: In first comment after the fic.
Beta: None
Summary: Dave takes Spencer home for Thanksgiving.
November 1982
Dave woke and blinked at the unfamiliar walls, his eyes focusing on the crib against the wall. He sat up suddenly, remembering where he was, and realizing what had woken him.
Spencer wasn't in the crib.
Pushing back the covers on the bed, Dave stood and headed for the door. Sure, he was at his parent's house in Commack, and yeah, Spencer was probably with his Ma or some other member of his family.
Still. His paternal instincts - and FBI agent instincts - told him to find Spencer.
Dave headed for the kitchen, finding his mother at the stove, hovering over her cooking pots for Thanksgiving dinner. "Ah, you're awake," Elena Rossi said, smiling at Dave. "How was your nap? You obviously needed it. I don't know why you took such an early flight."
"I was hoping Spencer would sleep through it." He hadn't, much to Dave's dismay. Spencer had fussed the entire flight, not loudly, but enough that Dave spent the entire time trying to keep him occupied. "Where is he, by the way?" He tried not to sound worried, but the look his mother gave him said she saw right through him.
"Oh, he's in the TV room with your father and brothers," she gestured. "He woke up and you were sound asleep, so we brought him down here. Tell Angelo I need his help. No," she said, holding up a hand as Dave started to offer his help, "you go find your son. Angelo can help me."
Dave smiled, kissing his mother's cheek before leaving the room. In the TV room he found his father and brothers watching the Giants-Lions game. Spencer sat in his grandfather's lap, looking up and listening to him discuss the I-formation with wide eyes. Dave stopped and grinned. His dad had hit on the one thing guaranteed to keep Spencer quiet - talk to him like an adult, about anything. Too bad it hadn't worked on the plane, but Dave figured that was a combination of being woken up early and the noise of the engines.
"He's a little young to be indoctrinated into the ranks of Giants fans," Dave said idly, noticing that someone had re-dressed Spencer after his nap into a baby sized Giants outfit. Spencer looked absolutely adorable in it.
"Have to counteract the influence of the Redskins fans down in Quantico," Anthony Rossi said. "And that Bears fan you work with."
Angelo and Christopher laughed. Dave shook his head and sat down next to his dad. Spencer immediately leaned toward him, and Dave picked his son up and put him on his lap. "Angelo, Ma needs your help in the kitchen," he said, secretly delighting in his brother's groan. "And get me a beer while you're out there?"
"Why can't you get it yourself?" Angelo asked as he got up.
""Cause he's got Spencer," Dave's dad replied. "Get me one too."
"Might as well bring back four of them," Christopher said cheerfully. Angelo went to flip him off, but stopped when both Dave and their father protested.
"Not around the baby!" They said in unison, the sound earning a delighted squeal from Spencer.
"Man, Dave, you've gone soft on us," Christopher complained as Angelo left the room. "Next thing, you'll be telling Dad he can't curse at the refs."
"Not when Spencer's in the room. I don't want his first words to be something that can't be repeated to Father Jimmy." He glanced at his dad, then at Christopher. "Unlike Angelo's."
"Hey," Christopher protested, "I was only seven, how was I supposed to know Angelo would repeat to the priest that I called Georgie Wilson a--"
"Not in front of Spencer!" Dave and Anthony said in unison, again. Spencer clapped his hands, looking up at them.
Angelo came back in the room, handing out beers. "Good, at least I'm not the only one getting into trouble. Surprised you haven't yet, Dave."
"Give him time," Anthony said. "He'll say something Spencer will repeat in front of your mother. That's what I did." He took a sip of his beer. "She doesn't let me forget Dave's first words." He pointed the beer at Angelo. "And no I'm not repeating them in front of Spencer."
"Good," Elena said from the doorway. "I don't want them to be Spencer's first words," she said looking at Dave meaningfully. "Besides, dinner's ready."
"Ma, the game is still on!" Christopher protested.
"Family over football. Besides, it's almost over, and the Giants are winning. We eat now, and you boys can watch the Browns beat up the Cowboys after dinner. It's Spencer's first Thanksgiving with us," she said as she came over and picked Spencer up off Dave's lap. "We are going to eat as a family at the table." With that, she took Spencer out of the room.
Dave got up, earning him a look from his brothers. "What, she's got my son, I'm not about to gainsay her." He left the room, hearing his dad start in on his brothers to go help their mother while he turned off the TV.
In the dining room, Elena had settled Spencer into a high chair. Dave came over and kissed the top of his son's head before sitting down next to him. When Dave's father and brothers had joined them, Elena raised her wine glass in a toast, and Dave and the others raised their glasses.
"To family," she said, smiling, her eyes bright as she looked at Dave and Spencer.
"To family," the Rossi men echoed.
"Now, eat, so the dishes are done before the second half of the football game starts!" Elena said. The room rang with laughter but they all obeyed, even Spencer. Dave grinned at his son. The two of them had been through a lot since Jason had put Spencer into Dave's arms that fateful March day, but sitting here with his family, Dave knew it had all been worth it.