This journal is now Friends Only. Why? Random hits from people in the Ukraine and stuff like that. Theres not much on this journal that I care about sharing with others but i do find it a little weird if I don't know who's reading.
If I know you or know of you then I will be more than happy to add you to my friends list. This is if you are from the Leaky Lounge or something like that, or hell you could be from my real life.
I update this journal just about every day. As someone quite rightly pointed out it is pretty much all about leaky things such as goings on in The Leaky lounge, pottercast, harry potter news, the little projects I work on - like remixes and websites I make. To keep my sanity and to make me not look like too much of a leaky obsessed wierd ass it is often about university and real life things 'cause that's sometimes interesting too!
There you go, if you feel the need to add me to your friends list you can do so then please leave a comment here and I'll add you back. :)