Feb 11, 2007 21:24
I had a nice quiet weekend...which I think I really needed. Spent most of Friday recovering from Thursday night's lack of sleep. Got up early Saturday morning to drive home and help take care of the dogs. Made it to coffee with Margaret and Ron, and got really lucky and got to see Lynn, Rachel and Josh. Got the great news that Josh doesn't go for bootcamp until November (I'm actually kinda loving bureaucracy at the moment) which gives almost a year for things to calm down before he has any chance of being deployed. (Not that I actually think things will but I can always hope.) Wasted a day at home, but got to see my big baby, Eagle. I forget how nice it is to have the blueticks around, even though I never spend time with them. Movie night Saturday with just me and the cat (which was not at all depressing it was nice just having a quiet night at home alone.) And I spent today cleaning. The whole boy issue is driving me a bit nutso but I think I'll survive. Most of all I'm really looking forward to girl's night this week especially since I ran out early last week to go DD for a birthday boy. Take care all and give me a call or drop me a line when ya get a chance.
Smiles and happy valentine's day to all!