Aug 07, 2011 17:36
I finally saw Harry Potter!
*Pause to relive the moment*
Despite the many many rumblings and grumblings I had heard about this film and how awful it was and how it was even worse than 'The prisoner of Azkaban', I really enjoyed it. It was awesome.
My highlights were:
McGonagall - "I've always wanted to try that spell"
Neville - See, there was a reason JK put him in Gryffindor.
Snapes memories - my heart clenches just thinking about it. Make him cry and you make me cry.
And for some reason that kinda awkward hug (if you can call it that) between Draco and Voldemort - Brilliant!
I want to go again! And find my copies of the series. This may result in yet another trip to the library.
harry potter