Balloooons! This may be the cutest thing I have ever drawn. Could possibly be construed as a Valentine theme, since there is PINK INK and I feel stupid using pink at any other time of the year. Which is a shame, because I have masses (well, a bottle) of it.
Have been listening to 'graaaah!' sorts of punk all day. BRAINS! BRAINS FOR LUNCH! BRAINS FOR BREAKFAST, BRAINS FOR BRUNCH. Ahahaha. My head just popped.
I accidentally bought two packs of 8mm cassettes instead of the kind you put music on, and only realized this today when I was trying to copy one of my Joy Division CDs onto one of them so I could listen to it in the car. (Rufus doesn't have a CD player. Woe. I have a new car, by the way.) First indication being that it didn't fit in the tape player. Did I give up and accept the fact that I had made a dumb mistake? NO! I turned it about the other way, not willing to acknowledge that I had been stupid enough to buy the wrong kind of tape. After four tries, it became evident that defeat was inevitable, and upon this realization I made a sad face and sighed in an appropriately angsty fashion. The end.
And also a GIP, because BERNARD.
Neil Gaiman is too wonderful for words, really.