I sure have written a lot of dumb New Girl fic since I last posted here!

Feb 16, 2014 16:27


What To Do When You Realize You're Really (Really) Into Your Roommate (Nick/Jess, G) - An instruction manual.

Mistakes we knew we were making (Nick/Jess, NC-17/M/Explicit) - Inappropriate laundry room activities, etcetera.

circling all round the sun (Schmidt, G) -  The day Schmidt wakes up with wings is a Saturday.

Heart Like a Socket (Nick/Jess, M) - Written for the Het Big Bang.  Verrah long.   Nick and Jess get married, get cozy, and get each other. In that order.

Your brand is: Winston! (Winston/OMC, G) - They don't know that we know that they know, or: Winston's secret boyfriend isn't so secret anymore.  Yuletide 2013.

We become new (Nick/Jess, M) - Written for the Porn Battle.  The beginning of happiness

fic, new girl

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