Title- Cielo
Author - Kyradesu
Rating - G
FF.net Link:
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5885412/1/Characters/Pairing - Vongola guardians & slight Tsuna/Kyoko
Warnings - None
Summary - She learnt long ago to watch the sky as she waited for his return.
Without the sky there is nothing. )
I havent read any koyoko fic's so i dont know about sue-ifying her. Personally i dont really like the image of her being just a helpless, ignorant girl who as you said, is just dutifully domesitic in the absence of the others. She knows whats going on and she has the faith in Tsuna and the others to wait for them to return.
And you're right, the bracketed portions were intended to depict a battle going on away from where Kyoko was, basiclly a battle the vongola guardians were involved in that shows how they're related to what she's observing in the sky.
Thanks so much ^_^ I loved writing the mist part Because i'm biased towards mist XD. I decided to put them both in because rightfully, they're both guardians (Even though if you had to ask me to pick just one i'd say Mukuro ^_^" Sorry chome!) SO in the end they're both really important in they're own ways. I like the idea of a balancing act between them :D
Reminds me of falling flower petals or summat
Sakura saku, mai ochiru~!
Sorry, just had to say that XD
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