letter100 prompt table

Aug 19, 2012 14:52

1. Air.2. Earth.3. Fire.4. Water.5. Spirit.6. Alone.7. Babble.8. Blood.9. Candles.10. Cat.11. Claim.12. Content.13. Dance.14. Daydreaming.15. Devious.16. First Date.17. Ecstatic.18. Enemies.19. Family.20. Friends.21. Lovers.22. Strangers.23. First.24. Last.25. Forgive.26. Gloomy.27. Hairbrush.28. Incense.29. Hours.30. Interest.31. Kinky.32. Legend.33. Eternal.34. Making Dinner.35. Moon.36. Sun.37. Mortality.38. Sin.39. Virtue.40. Phoenix.41. Pounce.42. Road Trip.43. Shooting Star.44. Sick.45. Time.46. Silence.47. Sleeping In.48. Surprised.49. Temper.50. Woods.51. Autumn.52. Spring.53. Summer.54. Winter.55. Amused.56. Balance.57. Betrayal.58. Bunnies.59. Cemetery.60. Chocolate.61. Cranky.62. Curious.63. Decisions.64. Destiny.65. First Glance.66. Love.67. Lust.68. Energetic.69. Famous.70. Fight.71. Flame.72. Found.73. Lost.74. Frustrated.75. Giggly.76. Gun.77. Knife.78. Heartache.79. Justice.80. Leather.81. Education.82. Lessons.83. School.84. Teacher.85. Encounter.86. Naughty.87. Monsters.88. Movie Night.89. Need.90. Otherworld.91. Peaceful.92. Promise.93. Ritual.94. Silk Sheets.95. Sinful.96. Skating.97. Years.98. Space.99. Toys.100. Watching the Clock.
another prompt table, and I'm hoping my claim on the letter100 comm will be approved faster so I can get on with this.

claim: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
completed: 000/100

I'm quite excited to write for this pair; I've never written HP fic before.

fanfic challenge, letter100, writing, master table

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