JE fandom creeps me out....

Mar 06, 2010 21:39

I think I need to state a few things before I start with this post.
  • First off, don't be offended! While there will be a few insults they aren't directed at anyone personal, neither groups nor communities nor members or anything! It's simply my opinion but I'm not writing this because I'm bored and want to bash you - keep that in mind!
  • This post is public because I guess I wouldn't mind some kind of input! So should you, my dear stranger, stumble upon this post feel free to post your thoughts and opinion. You don't have to agree with me I won't bite, promise! If you want your comment to be screened just tell me.
  • No arguing, absolutely not! Don't behave like little kids, even if you are one. If the need arises I will delete stupid and dumb comments to keep it clean.
This post will also be very random as I just write down my thoughts, so don't expect a structure or anything like that lol

I discovered KAT-TUN last year around October together with jade_de_lune, we were both pretty fast 'into it' and were all around the net gathering information and songs (and of course buying their stuff ^^) as we almost missed the release of Love Yourself we decided to keep an eye on the fandom @ LJ, since it seemed that's where the information gathers. For all those who aren't so familiar with KAT-TUN, that was around the start of January 2010 ^^ At first I was just lurking around with no LJ account or community membership, after some things happened and Jade had an idea we both ended up on LJ ourselves - that was a month ago now. So basically I'm following the KT fandom for about 2 months, since 2010 started.

and you know what's creepy? I already have enough of it! I know I myself can flail and squeal quite loud and often lol and I like to make fun of Arashi (though I really don't hate them!) but what I got to see this past months was just.... so... dumb o_O so utterly stupid that it hurts. Don't get me wrong, I love KAT-TUN, every little aspect of them. The music, the image, the concerts, the shows, the members, the solo projects, etc. They are a part of my life just as yours! But do you have to go crazy and totally regress?! Do you have to hate actresses just because they're in the same dramas as "your boys" and have kissing (or w/e) scenes with them? And I'm not talking about joking a bit here and there, like how lucky she is because . Do you really have to call them ugly and anything else and give of an aura like you would love to kill them? lol Do you absolutely have to hate magazines or the guys themselves because they have almost-nude shots?

On the other hand, if you really find an actress "ugly" or just not skilled you barely can say it out openly because you have the "oh-so-serious-adult"-fans who will label you as jealous or stupid in return, because they are so sure that ANYTHING bad you say must be connected to KAT-TUN/Group X! These are the people who leave you comments like "....."  or similar stuff. Wasn't there a saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all"? You're not cool doing this, really you aren't and I bet the people at which you comments are directed won't get it anyway lol

And I know JE groups have that "magic" around them lol, it doesn't matter how bad your day was or how much shit you had to put up with, you know it just magically gets better if you hear their songs, see a concert or performance, just browse through random YouTube vids and so on. and that's a very good thing, because people need stuff like that, we really do! It just gets scary if Group X is the ONLY thing in your life o_O what are you going to do if they disband vanish after they get really old? jump off a bridge!?

So many people don't realise that KAT-TUN (or w/e band you prefer) is nothing more but a product, created by JE. No, they're not all fake but they're far from "being honest" or real lol. JE keeps an eye on what they say, what they do, how they act etc. really the only thing we see is the image JE wants us to see. It's quite funny how some people still believe they have no girlfriends. But I guess that's where the stupidity kicks in lol. After all there are people who are unable to get the most obvious jokes out there or really think they could meet marry their idols o_O I don't remember that post from kattunlove very well since I was half asleep and it's gone today. The user even deleted it in her own journal, so I don't know if it was a troll or if she is really just too stupid for us to comprehend her actions *runs* Do you guys really believe that Akanishi/Kamenashi/Matsumoto/Sakurai/whoeverelseIdontknoworforgot will keep in contact with you because you're his fan?
This always reminds me of Kamenashi's "love letter" he (? ;) ) wrote and read out on a show, because it was a pretty clear "fuck off and die" to all the stupid fans xD but still, the whole audience was squealing like there was no tomorrow.

Why do I write all this now anyway? because I was busy the last few days with m.o.v.e and stumbled upon a few of their concert videos on YouTube and to be honest, I was surprised. The stage for their MEGALOPOLIS tour was SO close to their fans. Of course there was security but they were standing back on stand by just in case there could happen something. Motsu and especially Yuri were shaking hands with the fans a lot. Yes this is the obligatory fanservice but still. They didn't pull them off the stage or anything like that. Or at the end of their LIVE TRANSFORM the fans held up a biiiiiiig .... I don't know... blanket? or anything like that xD as a goodbye present to T-Kimura. The 3 of them were so "sugoooiiiii" to see this that they just took the blanket and showed it on stage to the cam. They didn't leave the stage though, you know? because the fans were so close, they could just give it to them without problems.

Speaking of which, as T-Kimura stated that he would "leave" the band there was no storm, no whining, no "omg-noes the world ends tomorrow". Sure we were sad and m.o.v.e still look a bit strange as a duo, but hell, they were around for 10 years as a trio, it's only natural that it's strange now xD on the other side, we were all very happy that he still composes/arranges/produces for m.o.v.e ^_^b but it was all so....clean somehow *shrugs* just imagine one of the idols would leave a band, or think about Uchi?! yeah I already see the fights starting lol or how much hate does Akanishi get lately just because he has his solo concerts? just because they aren't JE-style? just because he said he doesn't want to be an idol?

oh and since we're talking about idols; T-Kimura has a family at home and Yuri's pregnant and is married (I think? not sure). All this would be totally unbelievable in JE, why? well because Johnny would lose all his stupid fangirls who still imagine themselves as Kame's wife. But really, it's pretty scary if you notice how many artists or actors are married or already have a family, like Mizushima Hiro for example.

thinking about leaving, what's up with all that "leaving the fandom" or "setting it on hiatus" and stuff? do you really -pause- things you like? lol I don't know, if I like something I just like it, even if I don't deal with it everyday. Or can't you have 2 or more fandom you like and follow? Do you -need- a fandom to like things? Now compare that attitude with the m.o.v.e impressions. Is the JE fandom immature? or just stupid? did JE made us this stupid? I don't know what it is but it feels uncomfortable, to be in the JE fandom that is. I'm already skipping half the posts which contain no actual information because I can't put up with all that shit!

To end this post on a more positive tone, I'm very grateful to all those people that translate interviews or J-Webs or xxx, scan magazines, record/upload/stream shows, dramas, radio performances, fansub various videos, share their impressions after visiting a concert or movie or make beautiful icons/header/banner/layouts! Really, thank you all, because without you guys I'd probably be stuck at about 20% information from what I have now ^^

thoughts, johnny's jimusho, kat-tun

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