'Net Weirdness, Artistic Progress, and So Forth

Feb 22, 2009 17:36

It's completely amazing what the internets can offer, no? Or perhaps traumatizing was the word I wanted there.

There exists a livejournal community called badlubeday. This amuses me. It also makes certain parts of me shudder in horror and makes me cry for the human race, but it amuses me. Also, fanficrants is a marvelous time suck. TVTropes.org is even worse. It is the black hole of the internet. It is to your time what Bernie Madoff is to your money, with the exception that one might get something out of TVTropes---in my case a nice picture of Megatron and Starscream being romantic at each other. *happy*

Internet attention-stealing phenomena aside, it has been a series of fairly productive days for me recently. I've written a story and half a dozen poems, plus assorted haiku, drawn three Transformers sketches and shaded one (that's in the previous entry; the others are Prowl/Jazz and Skyfire/Silverbolt, which will be up here eventually, probably once they're shaded. I'm wondering what to do for coloring them, probably going to print out copies on cardstock and attempt to watercolor or oil-paint them.

And we mixed a huge batch of clay in the ceramics studio, so various muscle groups are protesting nicely, the way they do after a good workout. And I cooked dinner twice the past few days, rather than using frozen dinners or premade dry food, and brought lunch to school twice rather than buy it at the food court. I have more money than I otherwise would, and am pleased with myself---and in addition have learned how to make a meal I usually get at a certain restaurant that sells it, for the price of eight dollars. Yay me!

Also, I have seanan_mcguire's new CD, a secondhand computer game purchased from spotlight_noa (yay cheap means of getting stuff, not to mention recycling), and chocolate. Life is good.

a day well lived, art, internet finds

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