This might be the first time I didn't die quickly.

Jan 24, 2009 22:55

I escaped from Starbase Yuuzaiden!

I killed Alietf the nutrivend drinks machine, Macaodghain the red-shirted ensign, Hazelator the engineer, Thelonegunwoman the cleaning droid, Speechie42 the tribble, Yuuzaiden the nutrivend drinks machine, Tsumiden the cyborg, Jazzbot8907 the space pirate, Xaefryl the medibot, Ambassador Silverdragon686, Forfaxia the nutrivend drinks machine and Tai Ari the nutrivend drinks machine.

I salvaged the Log of the USS I Stalk Piccolo, an Imogen-Heap model hazmat suit, a Yukihoshinoian raygun, the Log of the USS Mimi Sardinia, an artlithium crystal, Mmouse15's commbadge, a fieryrose13lithium crystal, the Log of the USS Jetmound, a Dragoonaian raygun, a DRAWING-20 plasma rifle, an ROSE-DHONAIR-130 phaser, a Muzaidenian raygun, an Ekhoroseian raygun, a WRITER-5400 supercomputer, Broken Envy's commbadge and 283 galacticredits.

Score: 898
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