Homosexuality Reduces Stress.

Dec 10, 2008 14:36

See me, last week, head off to school for my final day of classes this semester, not feeling all that well.

See me freeze on the walk in from the parking lot.

See me arrive late.

See me attacked by vicious and fanged menstrual cramps.

See me decide to skip my art history class in favor of sitting by the fireplace in the Student Union in the hopes that getting close enough to singe my sweater will a) warm me up, and b) soothe away some of the cramps.

See a few days go by.

See me realize all of a sudden that I do not know when the final exam is.

See me look through the syllabus for it and find nothing.

See me look at the school's final schedule and figure out the official scheduled time as arranged by the university.

See me, rather than be reassured by this, spazz out with worries of "but what if it's some other time instead?"

See me not realize that any such time would potentially conflict with some other class's finals (as the things are arranged by start hour of the class so that nobody has conflicts).

See me not want to email my teacher and ask because a) I'll sound stupid, b) she'll ask why I didn't just look at the university's schedule and c) she probably told us in the class last week which I skipped.

See me continue spazzing right up until the allotted time.

See me show up in class and find it sparsly populated with people, none of whom I recognize (it's a big class).

See me worry some more.

See the girl in my class that I'm sort of crushing on come in and sit down.

See me stop worrying because finally I know I'm in the right place.

(There are no interesting guys in the class.)

school, life, crushes on women

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